Cumulative incidences of MR4 Cumulative incidences of MR4.0 according to KIR haplotypes and activating and inhibitory KIRs. A, Cumulative incidences of MR4.0 (%MR4.0) over time are presented according to different KIR haplotypes. Cumulative incidences of MR4.0 according to KIR haplotypes and activating and inhibitory KIRs. A, Cumulative incidences of MR4.0 (%MR4.0) over time are presented according to different KIR haplotypes. Solid line, patients homozygous for KIR haplotype A (A/A); dashed line, B/x haplotypes (A/B and B/B; P = 0.214). B, %MR4.0 are presented according to the presence or absence of functional combinations of activating KIR and HLA genes. Solid line, patients with activating KIRs and their ligands; dashed line, patients without those combinations (P = 0.918). C and D, %MR4.0 are presented according to the number of combinations of inhibitory KIRs and their ligands. C, Black solid line, patients without any combinations; black dashed line, one combination; gray solid line, two combinations; gray dashed line, three combinations (P = 0.368). D, Patients were divided into highly licensed (number of combinations of inhibitory KIRs and their ligands: two or three) and poorly licensed (zero or one). Solid line, highly licensed patients; dashed line, poorly licensed patients (P = 0.818). All curve comparisons were completed using log-rank tests for time to achievement of MR4.0, and P < 0.05 were considered statistically significant. Number of patient indicted in A–D. Hiroshi Ureshino et al. Cancer Immunol Res 2018;6:745-754 ©2018 by American Association for Cancer Research