Trial skills simulation program Direct Examination Trial skills simulation program
Determine what part of the story you can tell through this witness.
Setting the Scene Through the Witness Setting the Physical Scene: -Use all of the senses to set the scene (What does the witness see, hear, smell, taste, feel…?) -Bring the jurors to the place -Using something physical in the courtroom to act as an anchor for setting the scene Describing the moment-by- moment scene: -Don’t be afraid to go slowly -Guide the witness in speaking about the events of the story in present tense -Guide the witness to describe not only what the witness is observing, but also what they are thinking and feeling
Don’t just tell me, SHOW ME! Get the witness off of the stand to show a piece of the direct examination Only move the witness off the stand for the period of time needed to demonstrate the piece that can be shown Getting the witness off the stand: “Would it help you more accurately convey to the jury what happened if you were able to show them what happened?”