TRAINING STRATEGY STATEMENTS Altogether 4-6 trainings for each quarter for Retail Managers (includes Store Managers, Shop Managers) & Head Office colleagues & managers We are keen to actualize the available trainings’ list if it's needed CE approach - the same palette available in every country We’ve developed all of our trainings as a development process (they require delegate’s activity before, during & after) We are ready to react for special development needs both on CE level and on local level
Q2 Q2 CE TRAINING OFFER FOR 2017 / 2018 Q1 Q3 Q4 Being a People Manager Change Management IGPED Remote Management Project Management Tesco Leadership Program Communication Skills Presentation Skills High Performing Teams Interview Skills Leaders at Tesco Stress Management Time Management Personality Typology Coaching IGPED Motivational techniques Situational Leadership Influencing Skills Q2 Q1 Q3 Q4 Trainings for Managers Trainings for All Trainings for Teams
TRAINING DATES Q2 CZ SK HU PL CE Country Course name Dates Venue Duration Delivery solutions Eligibility CZ Tesco Leadership Program 12-14.09.2017 Prague 3 days Local Individuals Communication Skills 22.08.2017; 07.09.2017 1 day Presentation Skills 11.07.2017; 25.07.2017; 15.08.2017; 29.08.2017 High Performing Team 17.07.2017; 21.08.2017 Teams SK 5-7.09.2017; 26-28.09.2017 TBC 13.07.2017; 27.07.2017; 10.08.2017; 24.08.2017 Bratislava Individuals 29.06.2017; 13.07.2017; 18.07.2017; 25.07.2017; 8.08.2017; 22.08.2017 24.08.2017, 07.09.2017 HU 24-26.07.2017; 21-23.08.2017 Mátraháza 25.07.2017; 02.08.2017; 24.08.2017. Budapest 18.07.2017; 08.08.2017; 29.08.2017 06.07.2017; 19.07.2017; 29.08.2017 Local Teams PL 22-24.08.2017; September Poświętne (tbc) 06.07.2017; 23.08.2017 Krakow, Sosnowiecka 08.06.2017; 29.08.2017 Krakow, Sosnowiecka agreed individually CE 23.08.2017; 24.08.2017 CE Based on the needs
Presentation Skills & High Performing Teams CE DELIVERY APPROACH Remote Management /// Project Managers /// High Performing Teams How to apply? For Individuals operating on CE level For Teams operating on CE level Presentation Skills & High Performing Teams Delivery in English Retail & Head Office Email to mhusak@cz.tesco-europe.com * Teams in terms of functions
LOCAL DELIVERY APPROACH How to apply? All courses from CE Training offer Delivery in local languages Retail & Head Office Local Training Teams & on Local LMS
About the trainings Tesco Leadership Program: Communication Skills: With the 3-day-long program concentrated on you as a leader and a human being, you can improve your self-knowledge, how you can affect others and how you can handle other people. You can get to know your energies, how you can pay attention to them to be confident. You can familiarize with how you behave under pressure (in the box) and how you can handle this situation (out of the box) and which is the appropriate attitude. You can improve your skills how to be more engaging. You can get to know the ‘Taking people with you’ model. Communication Skills: The 1-day-long course helps to immerse participants in the art of communicating in the business. It equips them with the awareness, tools, techniques and confidence to create effective communication using the outputs of personal diagnostic test. Based on that participant will find what works in their individual communication style. It will make a substantial difference to participants’ leadership, communication skills and relationship building. Presentation Skills: 1-day-long training that will help you to deliver a presentation with confidence. During the training you will get to know some simple methods to make presentations. You will raise your awareness about your strengths as a presenter, your body language and the impact you make with your voice, posture and gestures on audience. We will introduce you techniques to handle stress, difficult questions and situations during giving presentation. High Performing Teams: High Performing Team 1-day-long training for teams is a process with very clear purpose: it’s all about getting an insight into your team and simultaneously find the options to boost the team performance. The workshop goals are to identify what's working well and what's working not that well in the team; increase team performance; create and establish better team culture.
Questions & Answers If you have any questions related to local training specification issues, please contact local training teams CE training specification, please contact mhusak@cz.tesco-europe.com We are here to help you!