Personal budgets in Trafford– Education, Health and Care March 2015 Sally Smith, Richard Johnson & Claire Jackson
Our Journey Social Care –Since January 2012, Personal Budgets were extended to a majority of children and families known to the CAN Social Care team. Currently over 170 children, who meet the criteria, are using social care Personal Budgets. Health - Children’s Continuing care nurse assessor -27 eligible so far, 7 PBs in place and 3 more potentially going through –Checklist to help Education – requests starting to come in and be discussed, RIQ trialled with some special school children –further trials postponed until April 2015 funding based on hours of support currently used Information on Local Offer developed Pathway improved to link decisions to EHC pathway Joint Policy document to be written Joint RAS/All age RAS?
Funding EHC Personal Budgets Base funding, notional SEN budget and high-needs block funding enable schools and colleges to provide teaching and support arrangements for all of their pupils and students. If individual needs exceed the level of provision the school or college normally provides, additional funds: can definitely come from funding provided by the LA from their high- needs block & can possibly come from funding managed by a school or college, if the head or principal agrees. It is normally these additional funds, beyond the normal provision as set out in the local offer, that would be offered as part of an EHC personal budget.