Defence Logistics artificial intelligence working group Sub-Hypothesis 7.1 17 September 2019
Def logs ai wg Sub-hypothesis 7.1 Data science and AI can be employed to optimise inventory prepositioning and reduce demand for movement of materiel.
Old and incomplete data “Fighting the last war” syndrome Def logs ai wg Sub-hypothesis 7.1 Current System Subjective Old and incomplete data “Fighting the last war” syndrome Individuals based Rotation History Governance of the support/procurement process “Fight Tonight” vs “Fight Tomorrow” Support Chain segmentation Management Information Systems incompatible Just-in-case purchase and distribution.
Requirement for AI to inform the Support Chain Def logs ai wg Sub-hypothesis 7.1 Requirement for AI to inform the Support Chain Integrated with the Engineering AI Warning Order to the Supply Chain Locate replacements for the ailing component Assess all ES Mat required for the job Determine the time to collect all relevant components together Calculate how long it will be before the components can be delivered to the objective equipment Check all the components across the theatre for usage and future availability Calculate the trend in usage and inform the ES Chain of that trend In the Strategic Base inform the Equipment sponsors and the Delivery Agent
Sub-hypothesis 7.1 BENEFITS Reduced stock Less multiple locations Def logs ai wg Sub-hypothesis 7.1 BENEFITS Reduced stock Less multiple locations Less “just-in-case” carriage Fewer vehicles carrying “just-in-case” stock Safer Fewer logistics vehicles in the forward area Less likely to be lost to enemy action Less movement of fewer vehicles Trend analysis identifies the appropriate stock holdings Realistic stock levels based on actual activity Strategic Base better able to inform industry of the requirements
Def logs ai wg Sub-hypothesis 7.1 HQs able to make better informed decision making and planning AI updates the MIS and indicates the timings for the mission AI processes data from sensors & interrogates data bases Sensor detects a potential failure AI locates the components required for the task
Def logs ai wg Sub-hypothesis 7.1 HQ releases the ES Engineering and the ES Materiel assets based on the AI advice Ailing, but still functional platform RVs with Engineering and Materiel resource at a time and place of own choosing