Welcome to Year 3 Parents’ Information Session Mr Clark & Mr Taylor Kingsnorth… The best days of OUR lives
What happens in Year 3 Expectations Keeping you informed Questions
Year 3 Middle School – Years 2, 3 and 4 Blyton Class – 3C Teacher: Mr Clark Teaching Assistant: Mrs Potts Student Teacher: Miss Hobby Stanton Class – 3T Teacher: Mr Taylor Teaching Assistants: Mrs Routley covers PPA on Monday AM
Daily Routine 8.45 Early morning work & registration time 9.00 English / Literacy & Language 10.00 Collective Worship 10.15 Morning break – whole school 10.30 Reading AR 11:00 Maths 12:00 Lunch – (The Daily Mile 12-12:15) 1:00 Feedback marking time and spellings 1:30 Afternoon subject 3.15 End of school day
Parents’ evenings & reports Mutual contact through… End of the day Phone call Notes & letters Appointments Email Parents’ evenings & reports Drop-ins Ask your child to show you their books and talk about their learning Texts Noticeboard
We will be trying to develop children’s Children to have things they need – trays Responsibility for behaviour – inside and outside the classroom Showing required effort Going ‘above and beyond’! Talk to adults if they have a problem and
In school – as often as possible Some may need to read daily in school At home for 20 minutes every day and please sign their reading log each time Children may be asked to read their AR book more than once – we want them to succeed!
“To learn to read is to light a fire.” Star Reading Test determines the AR range Book choice within their range Encourage to make good book choices and finish Independence Incentives – whole school competition
Follows on from Read Write Inc. In groups Trained staff Ongoing assessment Writing is a high priority – whenever and wherever Practice in school. Pens are given at the teacher’s discretion.
MASTERY Having a secure knowledge and understanding Fluency + reasoning + problem solving learning through concrete – pictorial – abstract recognising links and patterns explanations
Please ensure earrings are removed and that a full kit is in school. Place value – numbers to 1000 Addition and subtraction Times tables: 2s, 3s, 5s, 10s and 6s Stories with familiar settings Poetry P.E. will be on Mondays. Please ensure earrings are removed and that a full kit is in school. Science – Rocks / Volcanoes R.E. – People of God Computing – iSimulate Geography – Volcanoes & Earthquakes P.E. – Tag Rugby & Hockey French – Greetings and numbers
Homework Daily reading to an adult Having a story/text read to them Practising current spelling rules and patterns Maths and English in real life Times tables - TTRS
Continual teacher assessments Termly assessments – not necessarily a test
https://www.nspcc.org.uk/preventing-abuse/keeping-children-safe/online-safety/ https://www.net-aware.org.uk/#
Thank you for listening. Questions…