Welcome to FOUNDATION 2 (F2)
Teaching staff
Daily Routine You may drop your child off from 8.40 a.m. The doors will be closed at 8.50a.m. and registration begins. If you arrive after 8.50am you will need to go to the school office and sign your child in.
Communication with teachers The two teachers will be on the door each day. Please feel free to pass on any messages here. If there is anything you need us to see or we have asked for e.g. reply slips, sick notes etc. please place them in the purple trays located outside. If you need to talk to your child’s teacher in greater detail, please make an appointment.
Children will be offered a drink of milk (if a milk form has been completed) and a piece of fruit at some point during the morning. We also encourage them to bring a named, clear bottle of plain water which they can have access to throughout the day. Please do not provide your own snack! The children will be dismissed at 3:20pm from the same doors. They will only leave the building once we see the adult responsible for collecting. Remember to wave!
Daily Routine If children hurt themselves at lunchtime they are taken to the medical room and cared for by an adult who has been trained in first aid. You will be notified with a blue note in their book bag. Lunch may be either a small packed lunch or a cooked meal. Please note: we are a Healthy School. School meals are currently funded for all children in F2 to Year 2.
Things the children will need P.E. kit in a drawstring bag. This goes home on a Friday and needs to come back on a Monday Reading book bag, which may be purchased from the office. Art aprons are provided in F2. We cannot stress enough how important it is to name all personal belongings.
Visits and start dates All children will be offered a home visit on either the 4th or 5th September. This will be on the back of your transition booklet which you will receive on your first transition visit. 9th of July. The children start school over a period of three days so as to provide the most enjoyable and beneficial start for your child.
The Foundation Curriculum This is comprised of 7 main areas: Personal, Social and Emotional Development Physical Development Communication and Language Literacy Mathematics Understanding the World Expressive Arts and Design
The Foundation Curriculum Within each of these areas are a series of developmental stages. All children are different and will start at different stages along the continuum and progress at different rates. Within the first term at school you will be asked to attend a meeting with your child’s teacher to learn about the EYFS curriculum.
SRE (Sex & Relationships Education) SRE is taught in the summer term In Foundation Stage we discuss the names of body parts and how to keep our bodies healthy If a child refers to their ‘private parts’ we will use the scientific name.
Homework Reading- Yellow record books Phonics/ HFWs Maths- This will be individualised to your child’s needs If you wish to practise letter formation please concentrate on lower case letters Teachers may also let you know if there is anything in particular your child may need practise with.
Medical It is absolutely vital that you fill in your emergency contact forms and that we are notified of any changes Allergies – (NUTS) Medicines Illness Head lice
Attendance Absence. Please contact the school if your child will be off sick and follow it up with a letter when they return. Please note that term dates are available on the school website.
Extended services We have a breakfast club. It is open from 7.40 a.m. until 8.40. This includes a healthy breakfast. There is an after school club run by ‘Get Active’.
Pupil Premium Pupil Premium provides extra funding for individual children. This is used in a variety of ways to support their learning and participation in a range of activities. This additional money could make a significant difference to us.
Pupil Premium You are qualified if you are in receipt of: Income support Income-based jobseeker’s allowance Income-related employment and support allowance Support under part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999 The guaranteed element of State Pension Credit Child tax credit (providing you are not also entitled to Working Tax Credit and you have an annual gross income of no more than £16, 190) Working Tax Credit run-on, which is paid for four weeks after you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit Universal Credit
Pupil Premium You are qualified if your child: You do not qualify if: has been looked after by the Local Authority for 1 day or more has been adopted from care has left care under a special guardianship or residence order You do not qualify if: Your joint family income is more than £16, 190
Any questions?