Training & Communication news Item 1.3 Standards Working Group meeting 2019 Véronique Delhaxhe-Wolmering Eurostat, Unit B5
Training: Overview of activities
Training Courses May 2018-April 2019
Training Courses May 2018-April 2019 Course name Number of events Total number of participants EDAMIS Web Forms 3 91 EDAMIS Web Portal 43 ESS-MH 4 128 SDMX Basics 1 14 SDMX Converter 7 SDMX Registry 13 In addition, one course on EDIT offered but ultimately cancelled due to lack of interest.
Participants by country Participants from 32 countries Highest participation from Hungary (52 total participants) Slovenia (26) and Lithuania (26)
Participants by type of organisation ONAs and National Central Banks are underrepresented among training participants: they represent 11% of participants but 25-30% of data transmissions to Eurostat.
Evaluation results The average overall evaluation above 8/10 for all topics Out of the three topics covered, SDMX received slightly higher evaluation results
Standards and ESTP programme In red: courses given by Eurostat
Training: Outlook
New approach to training Much of the training offered to data providers focuses on the use of specific tools rather than on the development of broader capacity. For example, we offer several webinars on the specific functionalities of the SDMX Converter or of the SDMX Registry, but none on the SDMX standard itself. Learning to use the SDMX Converter will not make it easier for someone to use and understand other SDMX tools, but a basic knowledge of SDMX is a more reusable skill.
New approach to training From tool-based courses… …to building capacity Data validation SDMX Metadata and quality reporting
What this means practically For training on tools, we will move away from webinars and towards the creation of short training videos. This is already being implemented for EDAMIS. EDAMIS training videos are available here: Likely fewer webinars, but on wider topics (e.g. an "SDMX crash course" webinar) For the ESS-MH, the current model will not chnage, as the webinars combine an explanation of the tool with more general training on metadata and quality reporting
Communication with data providers: some issues Information about our data and metadata standards and related services is scattered across several different web pages (SDMX Info Space, Dedicated sections on the Eurostat website, CROS Portal on validation, CIRCABC spaces) Moreover, none of these portals are very adequate to manage highly dynamic information (training calendars, information on ongoing projects, news on standards and related applications)
Communication with data providers: some issues We will evolve towards a more rational subdivision of the information: The Eurostat website for more high-level, introductory information Our new publicly accessible Confluence space for more dynamic or detailed information:
Eurostat website Confluence space One portal for detailed information, comprising News Project information Access to tools Training calendar and videos Detailed information Dedicated sections which serve as single entry point Each sharing a similar structure, containing General introduction Links to specific items such as training courses, tools, etc. Contact point
Conclusions / Questions
Any comments on the available training courses and training formats Any comments on the available training courses and training formats? Are there any unmet training needs? Which standards do you feel deserve to be better covered by training courses? Any specific comments/ needs/ suggestions as regards communication?
Thank you for your attention