Causes and Effects of Performance-Enhancing Drug Use in Teenagers
Source 1: Opposing Viewpoints (Academic) Search Term
Cause 1: Taking human growth hormone (HGH) promotes the growth of bone and the creation of collagen, increases the number of red blood cells, and stimulates the breakdown of fat. Cause 1 Effect 1 Effect1: Human growth hormone has been linked to the development of arthritis, diabetes, and cancer.
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Source 2: Pediatrics in Review Journal (Internet) via the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) (a branch of the National Institutes of Health) Cause 2: Taking anabolic steroids has been shown to increase fat-free mass and muscle strength as well as prohibit muscle breakdown.
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Source 3: ABC News (Internet)
Cause 3: Taking stimulants increases energy and alertness in addition to increasing blood flow to the muscles. Effect 3: Stimulants have been linked to abnormal heart rhythms and palpitations as well tremors and insomnia.