National Educational Computing Conference 2005 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania ISTE/SIG TE Workshop on Teacher Education Sunday June 26 Room 108 B Pennsylvania Convention Center 9:00 until 4:00
Topic 4: Online, hybrid, and computer-assisted learning. Donna Russell, Ph.D. University of Missouri-Kansas City Assistant Professor Curriculum and Instructional Leadership Learning Technologies Introduction
Blended Online Programs “Thus we seek ideas for moving beyond the scaffolding of contributions and relationships, to tools that allow teachers and students to dynamically and reactively structure their history of interactions so as to maximize future learning opportunities.” (Roschelle, Pea, 1999, p. 24)
EFFECTIVE EDUCATORS are REFLECTIVE and INQUIRING PROFESSIONALS Design Principle 2 The program must provide opportunities for reflection-in- action and reflection-about- action among novices and experts Design Principle 4 The program at every level is organized around state and national program standards Design Principle 1 The program at every level is organized around the problems of practice EFFECTIVE EDUCATORS are REFLECTIVE and INQUIRING PROFESSIONALS CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK DESIGN MODEL UMKC School of Education Masters Degree in Curriculum and Instructional Leadership with an Emphasis on Learning Technologies Design Principle 3 Evaluations of candidates must include assessment of performance in complex situations of practice appropriate to the practitioner’s level
Program Matrix Competency Phases Design Development Implementation Cognitive Theory and Technology Cognition and Technology Online Assessment with Technology Curriculum Internship The design of a new learning technology program. online Instructional Design and Technology Instructional Design in the 21st Century Curriculum and Instructional Technology Action Research: Implementation of a new technology program. blended Learning Technologies And Mediational Effects. Assessing the Role of Technology in Education Development of Learning Technologies Programs Culminating Event- Thesis Project: Evaluate research program on technology program and write thesis paper.
Intended Learning Outcomes Development of Learning Technologies Programs EDCI 573 online course Masters of Arts in Curriculum and Instruction Emphasis Area: Learning Technologies Course Description The purpose of this course is to review a variety of technology programs currently implemented in traditional and non-traditional settings. The course readings will expose students to a wide variety of technology-based learning environments in order to develop the students’ conceptual understanding of the potential benefits and costs of developing technology programs. Intended Learning Outcomes This course is part of a program to develop educators with the capability to design, develop, and evaluate learning technologies into a variety of learning environments. The students will research topics, dialog in online workgroups, write proposal papers, present their final solution, and evaluate other group’s projects. In this course the learners will: Design and develop a plan for implementation of a technology-based program. Evaluate the effectiveness of the plan of actions designed in this course. Learner Activities 1. Students in this course will design a strategy to address a problem using a technology-based solution. They will work online in collaborative groups in order to design a plan of action. 2. The students will work design a program for evaluating the effectiveness of the plan of action and analyze the responses of others.
Potential problems for consideration Design the online curriculum for a graduate course involving professors in differing countries. Survey all professors Identify common trends in curriculum Design online curriculum Design an online data mining agenda for the SOE NCATE review in 5 years including: Management of server-- on-site or out source Middleware design Design forms for faculty and students Design professional development program for new STAR lab at the School of Education Survey of local districts for inservice needs Survey preservice students for needs In service – on site or in SOE Productivity training for pre service Design presentation for laptop program for SOE. Research university policy Research other public universities programs Develop proposal for laptop program Develop a wireless handheld program Write a grant for a technology-based solution Develop a pd for a current technology program
Template for Online PBL Unit
PBL Phase 1 First Artifact Hand Held Group Online Higher Ed Group
PBL Phase 2 Second artifacts Hand held group Online higher ed group
PBL Phase 3
Curriculum Internship =SS2005 Handhelds Group Present PD for Continuing Ed Present PD for Board Online Curriculum Design Present research results to collaborating professors Develop second iteration of curriculum model Initiate second iteration of data gathering Write presentation of panel symposium for AERA
Questions and Concepts Online Learning Knowledge formation online Conceptual knowing online Dialogs online (CMC) Design of Online Learning Environments Quality interactions online Quality of process online Quality of product online