Some Self-pleasure Tips for Men


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Presentation transcript:

Some Self-pleasure Tips for Men

Self-pleasure is a great way to release stress, catch some ZZZs, or just have a good time. It’s also great for a man’s health, mental and physical. Self-pleasure is like exercise for a man’s love muscle, as release produces endorphins and feel-good hormones that put a man in an excellent state of mind. All of that said, self-pleasure can get a little ho-hum after a while. But have no fear! There are plenty of self-gratification techniques and tips that a man can employ to make going Han(d) Solo a little more exciting. Here are eight tips any man can add to his self-pleasure style for explosive results.

Self-pleasure Tip #1: Switch Hands for the Handy Probably the most natural tip of the bunch: just switch hands. By changing hands, sensation and tension differ, and stroking feels a little less familiar (in a good way). Bonus Tip: Try “The Stranger.” This is where a man sits on his hand until it falls asleep and then starts self-pleasuring with it as to feel like someone else is doing the stroking.

Self-pleasure Tip #2: Switch Up the Positions Just as in intimacy, switching up positions makes everything a little new. If a man is a sitter, try standing. If he likes to do it only in the shower, try it laying down. Consider kneeling or starting on all fours for something a little less ordinary.

Self-pleasure Tip #3: The Hips Don’t Lie Rather than doing all the stroking with the hand, try gyrating and thrusting to increase intensity and pleasure. Try circular or the famous in- and-out motion and see what feels the best. This will also save a man the hand cramps that sometimes accompany solo play. It’s also a great way to prep for the real thing.

Self-pleasure Tip #4: Lewis and Clark Your Erogenous Zones It’s time to get exploratory. There are many more places on a man’s body that can elicit excitement and pleasure than just his male organ. Take self-gratification techniques to the next level by giving the regular stroke an add-on. Play with the sacks, lightly tease the perineum, and go anywhere that could incite enjoyment. There are plenty of nerve ending to go around, so show the other erogenous zones a little love. Play with pressure as well; there’s a lot to say for pinching, pulling, and tweaking these special zones that can really intensify the big finish and get a man closer to the full-body release.

Self-pleasure Tip #5: It Takes Different Strokes to Rule the World Sure, the fast up-and-down motion is a tried-and-true self-pleasure technique, but why not try something different? Use longer, slow strokes, or just focus on certain parts of the shaft. Change the up-and-down to the up-and-around by stroking up the male organ, then palming the top of the head and then stroking down. Try a little twist too – it can make all the difference.

Self-pleasure Tip #6: Edging Edging is not only great for self-pleasure but also for release control with a partner. To edge, a man self-stimulates to the edge of his release and then pulls back and slows things down and then repeats. This draws out the pleasure, leading to a more powerful release.

Self-pleasure Tip #7: Hit the P-Spot Stimulate the prostate, or the P-Spot, for the intense, full-body release. Stroke the shaft and then with the other hand, stimulate the fastidious opening and slowly insert a finger to massage the prostate. Increase motion and speed to come to a release. Some men prefer toys to help rather than their own digits.

Self-pleasure Tip #8: Try a Toy Ladies have toys, so why not the men? There are tons of things available from the all-popular Fleshlight to fastidious beads to vibrating eggs. Men should experiment and find out what works for them. Add them to partner play if the mood fits.

After all of this well-deserved self-gratification, a man’s male organ needs a little TLC; so after washing up, moisturize with a special oil. Men need an oil that is made expressly for delicate midsection skin and one that provides the necessary nutrients to encourage rejuvenation and soft, elastic skin. Apply a male organ health oil (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin) daily and after self-pleasuring. It moisturizes and rejuvenates the male organ while protecting it from nerve damage, dryness, and bacteria. It’s the best thing a man can do for his male organ.Man 1 Man Oil