Warm up 9/12 What is the difference between urban and rural areas?
Location In which part of Europe is Russia located? The eastern 1/3 of Europe What other continent is Russia apart of? Asia Name 3 countries that border Russia: China, the Ukraine, Finland How many miles is Russia’s coastline? 23,000 miles FUN FACT: How close is Russia to the US? 55 miles
Climate Most of Russia has a dry continental climate. Add: A continental climate has hot summers and cold winters Siberia has a sub-Arctic climate. Permafrost covers more than 4 million square miles. The area around the Black Sea is considered subtropical. About 73% of Russians live in European Russia.
What are Russia’s main natural resources? Gold, aluminum ore, coal, timber, oil, gas What percent of Russia is arable? Less than 8%
How does location impact trade? Easier to trade: * size access to North Sea European plain Volga River Harder to trade: * Ural Mountains Size
How does climate impact trade? Frozen climates close ports for part of the year during the colder season.
How do natural resources impact tradE? Russia has an abundance of natural resources, but many are not accessible due to permafrost, which affects their ability to trade.
Which factors make Russia a desirable place to live? Location next to other countries Spans several time zones/latitudes Most major cities are located along major waterways on the western side of the Urals.
How does Russia's climate impact where people live? Low population density in subarctic zones Higher population density in urban areas with a milder climate.
People live where natural resources are accessible due to jobs. How does the availability of natural resources affect where people live in russia? People live where natural resources are accessible due to jobs.
Where do people live? Most people live on the WESTERN side of the Ural mountains because: Improved climate better soil EU markets On average, there are only 22 Russians per square mile, where as Georgia as (on average),170 people per square mile. The area around Moscow is the most populated area