European Multi-Species Action Plan for all bat species covered by the Habitats Directive Sylvia Barova Unit D.3 – Nature DG Environment, EC NADEG, 03 May 2017 Brussels
Target 1 of the Biodiversity Strategy: Why EU SAPs? Target 1 of the Biodiversity Strategy: By 2020, 50% more species assessments under the Habitats Directive show favourable or improved conservation status EU SAPs can make an important contribution: Gather best expertise available Define well focused priority conservation actions Identify responsibilities Help identifing resources needed
Habitats Committee discussion on how to improve conservation of species Decision on developing an EU mutli-SAP for all bat species Nomination of national experts Close cooperation with UNEP/EUROBATS Numerous consultation with experts Deliverable under the Nature Action plan Bats conservation status in the EU (27) Source: Art 17 report 2007-2012 based on data for 42 bats species out of the 45
Number of sites designated for the species at the end of 2014 Covers all bat species that occur in the EU 45 listed in Annex IV (all ssp) 14 listed in Annex II Bat species included in the Annex II of the Habitats Directive Number of sites designated for the species at the end of 2014 Blasius's horseshoe bat R. blasii 105 Mediterranean horseshoe bat R. Euryale 694 Greater horseshoe bat R. ferrumequinum 2007 Lesser horseshoe bat R. hipposideros 2070 Mehely's horseshoe bat R. mehelyi 186 Western Barbastelle bat B. barbastellus 1493 Bechstein's bat M. bechsteinii 1287 Lesser mouse-eared bat M. blythii 789 Long-fingered bat M. capaccinii 352 Pond bat M. dasycneme 429 Geoffroy's bat M. emarginatus 1136 Greater mouse-eared bat M. myotis 2963 Schreiber's bat M. schreibersii 857 Egyptian fruit bat R. aegyptiacus 26 Main pressures: loss and degradation of roosts and disturbance at roost sites; habitat loss (commuting routes and foraging areas) and fragmentation; mortality of individuals; prejudices and misunderstandings arising from ignorance
CONTENT 1. Bat species and their natural history 2. Bat Conservation in Europe 3. Surveillance and knowledge assessment 4. Threats and conservation issues Loss and disturbance of roosts Commuting and foraging in fragmented landscapes Infrastructures and mortality Infectious diseases Misunderstandings and myths 5. A framework for action Annexes
5. A framework for action Case studies Overall objective 15 targets 53 actions Case studies
Next steps Final comments by NADEG members by 15.05.2017 Agreement of the final document by NADEG via written procedure (e-mail) Dissemination Implementation
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