Making building information available using web technologies Prof. Dr. Ir.-Arch. Pieter Pauwels Ghent University Department of Architecture and Urban Planning
Image from http://www. egeomate
Web Technologies
Main principles distributed / decentralised information management interactive information search and reasoning over the web portals of partial data
Key potentials Interoperability Linking across domains Logical inference and proofs Kernel Content Level of Detail Pieter Pauwels, Sijie Zhang and Yong-Cheol Lee, Semantic web technologies in AEC industry: a literature review. Automation in Construction 73 (Jan.): 145-165 (2017).
buildingSMART on the web
IFC-SPF EXPRESS XML XSD RDF ifcOWL Pieter Pauwels and Walter Terkaj, EXPRESS to OWL for construction industry: towards a recommendable and usable ifcOWL ontology. Automation in Construction 63: 100-133 (2016).
Structure of IFC4 (2015) Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) by buildingSMART represents an open specification for Building Information Modeling (BIM) data that is exchanged and shared among the various participants in a building construction or facility management project. The specification consists of the data schema, represented as an EXPRESS schema specification (ISO 10303-11), and reference data represented as Step files (ISO 10303-21) or XML files.
T. Liebich (2013), IFC for Infrastructure, INFRA-BIM Workshop, Helsinki
Towards web compliance
Web technologies Linked data Internet of Things Semantic Web Web development Query languages Web services and open APIs Construction industry Building Information Modelling Processes Point cloud modelling Clash detection Virtual & Augmented Reality Common Data Environments
IFC available on the web (ifcOWL) Original IFC file (1.ifc): 109,9kb Model File size Triple count ifcOWL simpleBIM 1 767kb 83kb 10 173 1 339 2 16,7MB 1029kb 225 135 16 836 Average reduction of 91,58% Average reduction of 89% REDUCTION TO: 8,5% of file size 10,3% of triple count
W3C Building Data on the Web
K. McGlinn, C. Debruyne. Integrating Ireland’s Geospatial ‘BIM’ data as Linked Data on the Web. W3C Presentation 2017.
M.H. Rasmussen. BOT and SEAS for HVAC-systems. W3C Presentation 2017.
M.H. Rasmussen. BOT and SEAS for HVAC-systems. W3C Presentation 2017.
Image from http://www. egeomate
Thank you Pieter Pauwels