Levy and Bond Election Options Historical and Future Rate Issues North Thurston Public Schools February 2011
How Bond and Levy Rates Work Measured in $X per $1000 of assessed valuation If the rate is $2.00 - a home assessed at $200,000 would be paying $400. Individual property tax payers generally do not see a breakdown between levies and bonds – they see a total amount that they are paying…which we refer to as the Aggregate Rate. Bond rates may be decreasing but the taxpayer won’t recognize that due to increases in levy rate
Survey Data Information about our facility needs as shown on last year’s bond request was sent to all district households 159 respondents through 11/28 Purpose of survey was to: Gather data to support a decision about which of the three options to proceed with regarding a potential bond Determine if categories used last year were meaningful to constituents Provide means for communication about our facility needs
Survey Results Executive Summary Project Support (H to L) Basic Large-Scale Repairs (83%) Major Remodels (77%) Life Safety (75%) Technology (72%) Replacing Classroom Space (66%) Planning ahead for Growth (60%) Upgrade classroom space (58%) Initial Concerns 30% of respondents support all projects from the last bond 4% of respondents reject all projects from the last bond 46% said they would prefer we left the initial plan intact
Comments from the Survey SCHOOL AND COMMUNITY I think the schools and community need to be bonded more closely. Schools should be the hub of the community, providing services to families and making kids part of the community from kindergarten up. School isn't just a place to go on a cold day; it should be the place that not only teaches math but how to be members of the community. Get real, be honest with the people, keep them informed.
Comments from the Survey ACCOUNTABILITY If there are checks and balances in place to ensure money is spent as in the proposal I would be for it, but I wouldn't vote for it as it stands now unless accountability was included in the proposal. I think Timberline should get their new school - they had designated money last time we passed the vote but for some reason it was spent on RR & NTHS.
Comments from the Survey Current Package and Categorization I think you need to re-word some of the items. I also think you should prioritize projects, and maybe have more than 1 bond up for vote so that we are not facing an “all or nothing" situation. The community is confused as to why EVERY school needs improvement. Woodland elementary needs upgrading but was not mentioned. Support re-roofing, but wonder what is so bad about the heating systems I would favor upgrading career and technical education space ($1.85 M), but not interested in upgrading playgrounds, playsheds and play equipment.
Comments from the Survey AFFORDABILITY It is unfair to use a dilapidated tax base system to have only property owners to fund everything that comes along. Increased population also means increased revenues. … my property value was just raised 51% by the county and others were raised around the same amount!!!! That’s more money for you. DO MORE WITH LESS!!! This is not the time for more money. Taxes are already a burden on most people.