Welcome to sixth grade! 08/02/2019 Beginning of Class Procedures: Come in quietly and find a seat at a DESK. You will be assigned a seat later. Unload your backpack. You can NOT take it with you. You will leave it here and get it before 6th period. You’ll get a locker on the 3rd week of school, after you return all of your paperwork. Go get your breakfast NOW. Do not wait. Breakfast is over at 9:15. First period will begin immediately after announcements. We will take you to your connections the first week of school. Write the class times on the side of your schedule. Fourth and fifth periods will be scheduled later. Eighth period = Homeroom (There isn’t an 8th period.) If you are not eating, you must read something of your choice. Help yourself to the books on the bookshelf. HOMEROOM = SILENCE
Language Arts – Warm Up 08/02/19 Gather everything you need from your backpack and leave it in the black bookshelf near the bookcases. You will return to get your bags after 6th period. Each day, you are expected to immediately begin the Warm Up (Opening Session). It will be on the dry erase board (to the left). Have the Warm Up completed and ready to show me by the time we start class. On a sheet of notebook paper, write three ways you can be successful in middle school. Be ready to share your answers!
Language Arts – Work Session 08/02/19 Essential Question: How can I be successful in 6th grade? Standard: ELACC6W4 - Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience. “Today I will use RAFT writing because it will help me address a topic for a specific audience and purpose.”
Language Arts – Closing Session 08/02/19 Class Rules & Procedures Classroom Rules Submitting Work Class Blog https://www.cobblearning.net/lindseythurman/
Language Arts – Closing Session 08/02/19 “Sixth Grade Times” Use COMPLETE SENTENCES to complete this sheet. Do your best to be descriptive! Use vivid verbs and sensory details. If we have enough time at the end of class: We will play the bingo! At the end of class, submit your work to the HOMEWORK BIN for your class period.
Language Arts – Closing Session 08/02/19 Don’t forget your “homework”! Remember, it is your “homework” to ensure your parents do their homework! Your parent homework is due by Friday, August 9, 2019.
Language Arts – E.L.T. 08/02/19 You will need a sheet of notebook paper. Number the paper from 1-5, skipping three lines in between numbers. After lunch, we will complete our activity.
Language Arts – E.L.T. 08/02/19 Each one of you has a book from our classroom library on your desk. You will have 5 minutes to read the back of the book/the first couple of pages. Write the title of each book next to each number as you receive it and jot notes about why you think each book may be a good book to read. Once the time is up, you will pass the book to your neighbor. The timer will start again and you will do the same thing. At the end of our rotations, you will rank the best books. Example, your favorite book would be #1, etc. We will then share our responses.