Upcoming, Important Dates: 03/18/2019 Upcoming, Important Dates: Add these dates to your agenda, if they apply to you: Monday (03/18) – 4th Nine Weeks Begins Tuesday (03/19) – Appropriate Tacky Jeans Day $1 - Celebration of Nations – 5:30 Wednesday (03/20) – Workplace Wednesday - Wacky Clothes $1 (school appropriate) Friday (03/22) – Sixth Grade Field Trip Go get your breakfast NOW. Do not wait. Turn in any signed paperwork to the homeroom bin. If you are not eating, you must read something of your choice. HOMEROOM = SILENCE
Language Arts – Warm Up 03/18/19 “Shark Tank” Project: Ethos, Logos & Pathos First, submit your signed Shark Tank Product Proposal packet to the HW bin. You have 15 minutes to locate at least one ad from a magazine that appeals to either: Ethos Logos or Pathos Cut out the ad and glue it to page 153 in your I.A.N. Explain why is that type of appeal and how it affects a viewer/why it is effective as an ad. Title it “Persuasive Techniques in Ads”, add today’s date, and add it to your LSV T.O.C.
Language Arts – Standards & E.Q. 03/18/19 Essential Questions: What character traits do entrepreneurs have that help to make them successful? What is an invention or an innovation that you 'can't live without'? Why is it important? What would you do without it? Standard: ELA.GASE.W.6.4 – Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.
Language Arts – Work Session 03/18/19 “Shark Tank” Project - Advertisement EACH student is REQUIRED to complete one advertisement from the following choices: Printed Magazine Advertisement created in Microsoft Word OR a created by hand using colorful pictures, handwritten title, etc. (Must include name of product, cost of product, where you can buy the product, what the product does/the problem it solves, at least one picture of the product and a catchy slogan (please note: Students cannot print in color at school) Poster using the same requirements as the magazine ad (See above) Printed PowerPoint Presentation (please note: Students cannot print in color at school) - No more than 4 pages and MUST be stapled in advance Use your rubric to check if you have met all of the grading requirements.
Language Arts – Closing Session 03/18/19 “Shark Tank” Progress Use this link to rate your progress to today’s class on Microsoft Forms: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=-x3OL5-ROEmquMR_D8kYLY3uz-2gsb1PuilA41GqFilUNkZZUTVGRDQyS1gxWjg3S0pOVENBV1VLSy4u Homework: Finish your “Shark Tank” ad work.