BC First Nations Studies – Chp 2: Living on the Land Harvesting Resources
What you will do in this chapter: Describe traditional BC First Nations technologies, including the uses of plants and animals Compare current and traditional First Nations resource use and management Relate First Nations concepts of land and resource ownership to spiritual and other cultural dimensions, including language
Key Concepts First Nations people developed sophisticated and efficient technologies to harvest and process the resources of their territories First Nations world view understands that all living things are interconnected and interdependent. A characteristic of traditional first nations societies is their commitment to stewardship of the land and the environment. Effective methods of managing the resources were and continue to be employed by the First Nations of BC. Many traditional resources are still harvested and processed today.
Chapter 2: Harvesting Resources Define ‘Stewardship’ and we will discuss with a class Stewardship is the care and management of the local resources. It implies a responsibility to respect and protect the resources in return for using them. Pg 35 What is your role in stewardship of BCs natural spaces (parks, forests, bodies of water, farmland)? DISCUSS WITH A NEIGHBOUR. We can be stewards of places but also of ideas or culture. Explain why with your neighbor
Harvesting Resources Continued A wide variety of technologies were developed across BC by the First Nations for harvesting an processing. Material Culture Refers to objects that are made and used by a group of people. As a field of study, it includes the techniques for making objects, how they were used, and how they connected with the daily lives and beliefs of the people. The rich and varied MATERIAL CULTURES of the BC First Nations show the high degree of skill the people had to effectively use the natural resources that were available to them
Harvesting Resources – Gathering Plants Plants are an important raw material for ceremonial and spiritual life in FN cultures Included food, medicine, tools, dyes (colour), containers, fuel and fibre (ex. Rope) Harvested by hand or simple tool like a digging stick FNs also would ‘farm’ by tending to plants to ensure a consistent harvest Harvesting was often done in groups especially when there was a short harvesting ‘window’ (eg. berries) There was usually a spiritual element, like a ceremony or celebration as plants and other materials were seen as gifts or that the plant had spirit like people did which is continued today