Directions and Tips for Editing/Printing PLEASE READ THESE DIRECTIONS/TIPS FIRST! THANK YOU!! Don’t like the section headers? Change them! Not enough room in a particular section? Play around with font size. Decrease it enough to make it all fit. Still can’t make your text fit? Re-consider what you you’re typing. Can you say the same thing with fewer words? Don’t forget to change your contact info. in the bottom box on the first page! Feel free to add tables to organize your text (on the next page example- I added a table for my spelling words and resized it to fit in the space. Don’t waste ink! Looks great in black and white! WARNING: If you select to print the file in black and white or grayscale inside PowerPoint the background graphics may disappear. To print in black and white, change the color settings with your printer. (Graphics also print better if you select “High Quality” or “Best” when printing.) If the above does not work, right click on the thumbnail of your slide and click “Format Background”. Next, on the task pane to the right, click the little picture icon. Select Picture Color. Select the down arrow next to Recolor and choose Grayscale. (This may vary a little depending on your version of PowerPoint.) If you’re printing at school and you only have a printer with black ink, you don’t have to do anything except click print! WHEN PRINTING: Make sure you only print pages (slides) 4 and 5. Those are the two pages with the actual newsletter. The first time you create a newsletter, save it as “(the date) newsletter.” For example – “August 7 Newsletter” Next week, open the file, change what you need to and then save with the current week’s date. This will save you from having to re-type certain things each week/month. Please do not email me to ask for a version where you can move the graphics around. I CANNOT do this or I would be violating the terms of use for the graphics I use. I also cannot make changes to the layout of this template. If you don’t like the sections as is or need more room, consider renaming the sections to better fit your needs. Use the blank page with border only to create notes, type a bigger spelling list, etc. The next page/slide shows an example of the newsletter filled out like I would use it in my own classroom. It looks great printed in color or in black and white!
Rename sections to fit your needs! ALL Text is EDITABLE! Rename sections to fit your needs! Resize text to fit the text boxes, change fonts if you want! Add your contact information at the bottom of first page! Add a table for your spelling words. Looks great in color or black and white! Use one page or both pages! Blank page with border only included!
Mrs. Baker-Barton’s Class Classroom Newsletter August, 2018 Ben Franklin Elementary Hi, I am Mrs. B., your Kindergarten teacher. Classroom News I am looking forward to meeting all of you on Wednesday, September 5th at 6:15 p.m., for a Kindergarten Orientation at Franklin School. Our first day of school will be on Thursday, September 6th! I will start greeting the children outside of the school building (weather permitting) at about 8:40 a.m. (The normal teacher pick-up time will be 8:50 a.m.) Thursday and Friday will be full days ending at 3:37. Be sure to eat a hearty breakfast and get plenty of sleep at night. I have been teaching in Pennsauken for 20 years. I have 2 daughters. My oldest is 9 years old and is going into 4th grade. My younger daughter is 6 years old and is starting 1st grade! I am a huge Eagles fan! My husband is a Giants fan. I am a big believer in reading to your child each night and experiencing family outings as learning opportunities! For kindergarten, the Orientation on 9/5 will serve as Back to School Night. You will only need to attend Franklin’s Back to School Night, on 9/10, if you have a child in 1st through 3rd grades. One Thursday each month, there will be an early dismissal day at 1:30 p.m. Thursday, October 11th, is our first early dismissal day. Also, school will be closed on September 19th and October 8th. Mrs. Helenanne Baker-Barton Principal: Mrs. Susan Galloza School Secretary: Tacy Pavel
K classes eat lunch/recess each day at 12:00. Extra Information Please email me upon receipt of this newsletter with notification of any food allergies that your child may have or concerns that you might have. We are so lucky to have air-conditioning in our classrooms during the warm months. Please be sure to send in a sweater with your child. It does get very chilly. The hallways and gym/cafeteria are not air-conditioned. Daily Folder Check There will be many papers coming home in your child’s folder during the beginning days of school. Many of these need to be filled out and returned to school as soon as possible. For example, the main office and nurse’s office will each keep a copy of your child’s emergency card on file. Name Tag On the first day of school, please send your child with a nametag, your phone numbers, home address, and dismissal procedure for the first few days. Dismissal runs more smoothly if your child wears this to school for the first 3 weeks. Any changes in your child’s dismissal procedure need to be put in writing in your child’s folder. It is also helpful to call the school office to notify the secretary of this change. School Food Information A free lunch will be provided for ALL students during the week of September 4th and the week of September 10th. K classes eat lunch/recess each day at 12:00. Lunch Envelopes will go home A.S.A.P. and should be returned on Monday, 9/10, (for lunch on the week of 9/17). Feel free to pack a healthy lunch for your child if you choose to - instead of ordering a school lunch. This will be especially necessary if your child has food allergies or is a picky eater. The District’s Breakfast Program begins on Monday, September 17th. (Lunch envelopes are white, and breakfast envelopes are pink.) Please be sure that all food containers, bags, and boxes are labeled with your child’s name and class “K-BB”, which means Kindergarten-Baker-Barton. Daily Snack Please send in a healthy snack with a juice bag or juice box and a napkin in a labeled bag each day. SNACK MUST BE SEPARATED FROM LUNCH. We will eat snack in the afternoon (usually around 2:15 p.m.)
SUGGESTED Kindergarten School Supply List 2018-2019 *Backpack or a school bag large enough for a folder and books, labeled on the inside with your child's name (no wheels please) *1 - 8 pack Crayola crayons *1 pack of glue sticks *1 box of yellow #2 pencils (Ticonderoga brand if possible) *1 pack of eraser toppers for pencils *4 black Expo markers (fine point) *1 roll paper towels *1 box of tissues *1 pack of baby wipes *1 container “Lysol” or “Clorox” wipes *1 box gallon zip-lock slider bags *1 box quart zip-lock slider bags *1 - 4 pack of play-doh Transportation Questions/Concerns Please visit the School District’s website to find the answers to any other questions you may have. Please call 856 662-8502
Credits and Copyright Information The original purchaser of this document is granted permission to reproduce the pages in needed quantities for the purchaser's classroom only. Licenses can be purchased for a discounted rate when using across multiple classrooms in a school or district. Please see TPT for more information. Redistributing, editing, selling, or posting this item or any part thereof on the Internet are strictly prohibited without first gaining permission from the author. Violations are subject to the penalties of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. Should you want to post this newsletter on your classroom website, please first save it as a PDF. This can be done through most versions of PowerPoint (File-Save As-PDF). Thank you for your purchase! If you enjoyed using it, please take the time to leave positive feedback on TeachersPayTeachers and earn TPT credits for yourself! To receive email notifications if this item ever be updated please follow me on TeachersPayTeachers. Email with any issues. Visit my blog: Join me on Facebook: Find me on Twitter:!/FirstGradeBrain Graphics © Thistle Girl Designs Connect with me online!