Inflatable Sensual Toys: A Few Things to Know


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Presentation transcript:

Inflatable Sensual Toys: A Few Things to Know

In the event that any man questions whether many people actually use sensual toys, a quick perusal of the wide variety available online – or at any of many sensual toys emporia around the country – should put that notion to rest. A 2015 study found that sensual toys use would grow by 40% between 2015 and 2020, from $21 billion annually to $29 billion. As long as a man practices appropriate male organ care, using sensual toys shouldn’t be a real issue, fortunately. That leaves him free to explore and enjoy the wonderful world of sensual toys – including those of the inflatable variety. Probably the sensual toys most likely to be available in some inflatable form are dolls, fastidious plugs, male organ imitations, male organ rings, and female organ imitations.

Dolls. When the subject of inflatable sensual toys is brought up, life-size inflatable dolls are what tend to come to mind first. Although there are certainly some male sensual dolls, those of the female variety tend to be more popular. Most of these sensual toys have openings at the mouth, the back, and the female organ to allow for a man’s preferred male organ penetration.

Use of the dolls is largely self-explanatory, but there are a few things guys should know. For example, have lubricant on hand, as many dolls could be a little rough on manhood skin. Be sure to clean the doll thoroughly after each use; most dolls come with instructions on the best way to clean them. And if using a doll belonging to someone else, always wear latex protection – in case the owner is not diligent about thoroughly cleaning up after himself. Also, be aware that many inflatable dolls make the same kind of “squeaking” sound associated with inflatable pool toys – and such squeaking may make it more difficult to use a doll inconspicuously, for those concerned about such things.

Fastidious plugs. Inflatable fastidious plugs have become increasingly popular in recent years. As with any fastidious plug, it is inserted into the back, to provide stimulation. But once inside, a guy can then hand pump the plug to a larger size. This is especially beneficial for men whose fastidious openings are especially tight. The plug can then be deflated when it is time for removal. Many men report that inflatable fastidious plugs are especially efficient at creating sensual prostate stimulation.

Male organ imitations. Operating on the same principle as inflatable fastidious plugs, the male organ imitation is inserted into the back (or, for a woman, the female organ) and inflated to a larger size; however, one can also inflate the male organ imitation prior to insertion, if that is desired instead.

Male organ rings. As with fastidious plugs, inflatable male organ rings are put in place (around the base of the manhood) before inflation. The inflation provides a tighter fit, which can lead to a firmer tumescence. However, some medical professionals caution against making too tight a fit or wearing for too long, so care should be exercised when using. Female organ imitations. Similarly, a tumescent member can be inserted into a female organ imitation and then the sensual toy can be inflated, creating a much tighter fit. Again, however, men should be cautious about creating too tight a fit. Although many men find this embarrassing, it can be a wise move to discuss use of inflatable sensual toys with one’s doctor in advance of their use.

Sometimes use – or overuse – of inflatable sensual toys can lead to a sore (if happy) member, so regular application of a top-drawer male organ health oil (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) is urged. Greater soothing relief is provided if the oil contains a combination of hydrating agents, such as shea butter and vitamin E. In addition, overuse may result in loss of sensation, so an oil with neuroprotective L-carnitine is suggested to help maintain manhood sensitivity.Man 1 Man Oil