Services Defined The benefits provided by an organization that satisfy a buyer’s needs without conferring ownership of tangible goods. Canadian Marketing in Action, 6th ed. Keith J. Tuckwell 18-1 ©2004 Pearson Education Canada Inc.
Growth in Services The service sector is growing due to: Technology and online business models Customer service orientations Time-pressed consumers Outsourcing Canadian Marketing in Action, 6th ed. Keith J. Tuckwell 18-2 ©2004 Pearson Education Canada Inc.
Characteristics of Services Intangibility Variability of Quality Services Inseparability Perishability of Demand Canadian Marketing in Action, 6th ed. Keith J. Tuckwell 18-3 ©2004 Pearson Education Canada Inc.
Consumer Behaviour An impression is a strong influencer. People seek advice from current users. Attitudes Convenience, expertise, and personal attention helps sell a service. Needs and Motives People pay more attention to marketing information when they are ready to buy Purchase Behaviour Canadian Marketing in Action, 6th ed. Keith J. Tuckwell 18-4 ©2004 Pearson Education Canada Inc.
Services Marketing Mix Consistency Attitude Completeness Environment Availability and Timing Supplementary Services Product Canadian Marketing in Action, 6th ed. Keith J. Tuckwell 18-5 ©2004 Pearson Education Canada Inc.
Services Marketing Mix Price Regulated Pricing Traditional Pricing Negotiated Pricing Canadian Marketing in Action, 6th ed. Keith J. Tuckwell 18-6 ©2004 Pearson Education Canada Inc.
Services Marketing Mix Distribution Direct Personal Contact Delivery of services is becoming more automated. There is much less personal contact online. Canadian Marketing in Action, 6th ed. Keith J. Tuckwell 18-7 ©2004 Pearson Education Canada Inc.
Services Marketing Mix Communications Mass advertising for awareness Personal selling and direct response techniques Web site for detailed information Canadian Marketing in Action, 6th ed. Keith J. Tuckwell 18-8 ©2004 Pearson Education Canada Inc.
Not-for-Profit Marketing Goods & Services People Places Ideas Organizations NFP Marketing embraces a variety of situations. Canadian Marketing in Action, 6th ed. Keith J. Tuckwell 18-9 ©2004 Pearson Education Canada Inc.
Objectives of Not-for-Profit Marketing The goal is to promote social consciousness. Social Marketing Using marketing to increase the acceptability of social ideas. Canadian Marketing in Action, 6th ed. Keith J. Tuckwell 18-10 ©2004 Pearson Education Canada Inc.
Characteristics of Not-for-Profit Marketing Philosophy Emphasis on people, causes and ideas. Emphasis on goods and services Targets Donors and clients Clients Exchange Money, time, and expertise Money Canadian Marketing in Action, 6th ed. Keith J. Tuckwell 18-11 ©2004 Pearson Education Canada Inc.
Characteristics of Not-for-Profit Marketing Objectives Financial and non-financial (attitudes) Financial: sales, profit, ROI. Benefits Many contribute but few benefit directly Buyers benefit directly Canadian Marketing in Action, 6th ed. Keith J. Tuckwell 18-12 ©2004 Pearson Education Canada Inc.
Types of Not-for-Profit Marketing Strives to gain acceptance of an organization’s objectives and services. Organization Creates a favourable impression of an individual or group. People Canadian Marketing in Action, 6th ed. Keith J. Tuckwell 18-13 ©2004 Pearson Education Canada Inc.
Types of Not-for-Profit Marketing Place Fosters a favourable attitude toward a destination. To win public acceptance of a viewpoint. Corporations employ advocacy advertising. Ideas Canadian Marketing in Action, 6th ed. Keith J. Tuckwell 18-14 ©2004 Pearson Education Canada Inc.
Marketing Strategy Product Price NFP organizations believe they provide what the public needs. The public simply needs to be made aware of a certain viewpoint. Price Money may change hands (donation) but time and expertise are volunteered. Canadian Marketing in Action, 6th ed. Keith J. Tuckwell 18-15 ©2004 Pearson Education Canada Inc.
Marketing Communications Marketing Strategy Distribution Channels are direct (organization to donor). Intermediaries such as professional fund raisers may be used. Marketing Communications Mass advertising for awareness and direct response techniques for action are crucial. Canadian Marketing in Action, 6th ed. Keith J. Tuckwell 18-16 ©2004 Pearson Education Canada Inc.