Building a Respectful Workplace Public Service Employee Surveys Labour Management Consultation Committee (LMCC) October 3, 2017
Outline Purpose Employee surveys PSEAS 2017 PSES 2017 Student Exit Survey (SES) 2017 Next Steps 2
Purpose Provide an update on: Public Service Employee Annual Survey (PSEAS) 2017; Public Service Employee Survey (PSES) 2017; and Student Exit Survey. 3
2017 Public Service Employee Annual Survey Results of the PSEAS 2017 were released in June 2017. The Agency-wide results were in-line with or better than the results across the Public Service (see Annex). President has asked the Joint Committee on Mental Health to provide feedback and advice on how we can address areas for improvement. The Human Resources Committee (HRC) has accepted the recommendations of the Joint Committee on Mental Health and has asked the Human Resources Division for input on how best to operationalize the recommendations. We accept all the recommendation of the JCMH committee. 4
2017 Public Service Employee Survey IT Ticket Stats 12,500 11,495 1,525 Questions 18 New 119 Data Release March/ April 2018 Survey Administration Aug 21 - Sept 29 Organizations 86 262,000 Employees Other Themes: Employee Engagement, Performance Management, Duty to Accommodate, Staffing, Work-Life Balance, Labour Relations, Compensation, etc. SURVEY SCOPE Mental Health Official Languages Leadership Respect & Diversity Harassment/ Discrimination Demographics 10 questions 16 questions 25 questions 15 questions 6 questions 7 questions 5
2017 Public Service Employee Survey (continued) The 2017 PSES is being administered electronically by Statistics Canada until September 29, 2017. The participation rate of the Agency after Week 5 is 61.4%. Results will be released in March/April 2018. Better than the PS in most category Doesn’t mean we will stop the gaz and we will continue to work hard to areas we need to improve, for example harassment. 6
Student Exit Survey On June 22, 2017, the Office of the Chief Human Resources Office (OCHRO) announced that a standard exit survey has been developed for student employees across the federal public service, beginning with the summer 2017 cohort of student employees. The Student Exit Survey (SES) examines student perceptions of their recruitment and orientation, their student job and their experiences within their department or agency. The SES has been sent to students (including communications with their managers) by Human Resources of the Agency. It was open until mid-September 2017. 7
Student Exit Survey (continued) The results of the first iteration of the survey will be available later in the Fall. Departments and agencies will receive an aggregate dataset of their students’ results, with appropriate suppression rules applied for small respondent counts. Additionally, OCHRO will provide the public service-wide results and prepare and disseminate a report on the findings. 8
Annex Results of the PSEAS According to the 2017 PSEAS results, 85% of employees in CEAA believed that their organization implements activities and practices that support a diverse workplace (Q1), unchanged from the 2014 PSES (85%), and higher than the 2017 PSEAS result for the overall public service (81%). In CEAA, 90% of employees felt that their organization treats them with respect (Q2), unchanged from the 2014 PSES (90%), a slight increase from the 2011 PSES (88%), and much higher than the 2017 PSEAS result for the overall public service (75%). The 2017 PSEAS results show that 80% of employees in CEAA agreed that they are satisfied with their organization (Q6), an increase from the 2014 (76%) and the 2011 PSES (76%), and much higher than the 2017 PSEAS result for the overall public service (65%). 9
Annex In CEAA, 83% of employees agreed that they like their job (Q7), a large increase from the 2014 PSES (75%), unchanged from the 2011 PSES (83%), and higher than the 2017 PSEAS result for the overall public service (78%). According to the 2017 PSEAS results, 84% of employees in CEAA felt that their immediate supervisor creates an environment where they feel free to discuss matters that affect their wellbeing at work (Q8), higher than the result for the overall public service (79%). Additionally, 89% of CEAA's employees indicated that their immediate supervisor seems to care about them as a person (Q9), much higher than the result for the overall public service (79%). 10
Annex In CEAA, 41% of employees indicated that, overall, their level of work- related stress is “Very high” or “High” (Q12), much higher than the result for the overall public service (34%). Further, 32% of employees in CEAA indicated that they “Always/Almost always” or “Often” feel emotionally drained after their workday (Q13), similar to the result for the overall public service (33%). The 2017 PSEAS results show that 13% of employees in CEAA indicated that they have been the victim of harassment on the job in the past two years (Q14), a large decrease from the 2014 PSES (19%), and much lower than the 2017 PSEAS result for the overall public service (22%). The 2017 PSEAS results show that 5% of employees in CEAA indicated that they have been the victim of discrimination on the job in the past two years (Q16), similar to the 2014 PSES (6%), and much lower than the 2017 PSEAS result for the overall public service (12%). 11