Figure 4. Representative photomicrographs in the test (reciprocal autologous root transplantation) group. (A) Overview of the class III furcation defects (scale bar=2 mm). (B) Higher magnification of the framed area in (A) (scale bar=100 μm). (C) Higher magnification of the framed area in (A) (scale bar=100 μm). (D) Higher magnification of the framed area in (A) (scale bar=100 μm), toluidine blue staining. N1: apical notch, N2: coronal notch, CEJ: cementoenamel junction, NB: new bone formation, RR: root resorption, ANK: ankylosis. Figure 4. Representative photomicrographs in the test (reciprocal autologous root transplantation) group. (A) Overview of the class III furcation defects (scale bar=2 mm). (B) Higher magnification of the framed area in (A) (scale bar=100 μm). (C) Higher magnification of the framed area in (A) (scale bar=100 μm). (D) Higher magnification of the framed area… J Periodontal Implant Sci. 2017 Dec;47(6):352-362.