As you come in… Wednesday, October 2, 2019 Homework: 3rd period complete questions( they will be graded for accuracy) Get your journal from the crate and your story “The Dinner Party” Today’s focus: description—showing, not telling Write five descriptions of the cobra This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA-NC
Lackluster, boring, bland sentences… Using descriptive language grabs and interests the reader. Engaging narrative writing must not just tell the reader the information. This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND
Example Telling Sentence : “Michael is brave.” How do we know this? We must take the writer’s word for it because we don’t get any information to convince us. Brainstorm Evidence: Sees a girl stranded on a raft in the ocean Swims out to save her Storm is coming Sharks sighted earlier
Showing Statement “When Michael saw a young girl stranded in a raft in the ocean, he immediately swam out to save her, even though a storm was coming, the waves were very high, and sharks had been spotted earlier.” Now, the reader concludes that Michael is brave based on the description he has been given by the writer.
Let’s let Moby and Tim help us a bit more… Watch the video and answer the questions. Review & discuss the correct answers.
Show Don’t Tell (3rd) “He realizes there is a cobra in the room”(29). Let’s add color: cobra 5. skip two lines, and rewrite the sentence from the story, so readers experience the cobra 6. Find one other sentence in the story that simply tells the reader information and can be revised tomorrow. 7. Time to work on your questions that will be graded for accuracy. Let’s come back to our story. 1. Take out the “The Dinner Party” and 2. Open your journal to the same page. 3. Skip 2 lines 4. Write this line: “He realizes there is a cobra in the room”(29). What type of sentence is it?