Item 11 – Conclusions ETS WG 2019 meeting Anne Clémenceau - Eurostat F3
1- Opening of the meeting 1.1. Introduction Head of unit welcomed the participants from all EU countries (except BG), EFTA and EU candidate and potential candidate countries, main users (DG EAC, DG EMPL) and other international organisations (OECD). The ETS WG took note of the main developments at Eurostat in the area of education and training statistics, namely the adoption of the IESS Framework Regulation and two meetings of the Task Force on UOE Education expenditure. Education and Training Statistics Working Group 17 June 2019
1- Opening of the meeting 1.2 Approval of the agenda The agenda was adopted without any changes but the part of item 2. Presentation by main users from DG EAC was moved to the afternoon session. Education and Training Statistics Working Group 17 June 2019
2- Presentations by main users of education and training statistics The ETS WG took note of: Recent developments on education and training policy in the EU and preparation and discussions on future benchmarks presented by DG EAC and DG EMPL. Education and Training Statistics Working Group 17 June 2019
Education and Training Statistics Working Group 17 June 2019 3- Education statistics based on surveys – update on IESS FR, next AES and CVTS (1/2) The ETS WG took note of: the adoption of the IESS regulation; the changes introduced by the IESS for LFS educational variables; the requirements specified in the IESS and steps towards the 2022 AES; the requirements for CVTS 6 (reference year 2020) and the conclusions of the CVTS workshop of December 2018. Education and Training Statistics Working Group 17 June 2019
Education and Training Statistics Working Group 17 June 2019 3- Education statistics based on surveys – update on IESS FR, next AES and CVTS (2/2) The 9 MS which have not yet replied to the consultation for the AES fieldwork period were invited to send their reply, in particular in case of issues with the proposed period; no reply will be considered as agreement. For variables on participation in education and training in the last 12 months and the consistency of results between LFS and AES, the ETS was reminded of the discussions and conclusions that took place in June 2016, both at the ETS and LAMAS working group meetings (Doc.: 2016-ETS-09 and Doc.: Eurostat/F3/LAMAS/31/16). Education and Training Statistics Working Group 17 June 2019
4- Summary of the ongoing work of the UOE Finance Task Force The ETS WG took note of information on the points discussed by the Task Force on UOE Education expenditure data, in particular on: Work-package 1 – Geographical scope, Household expenditure, Public transfers to private and Student loans Work-package 2 – Institutional sectors Work-package 3 – Improving timeliness (Options 1, 2 and 3) Education and Training Statistics Working Group 17 June 2019
4- Summary of the ongoing work of the UOE Finance Task Force The ETS WG was invited to participate in the written consultation that Eurostat will launch in July 2019 to all members of the ETS WG in order to have a better picture about the role of public corporations in funding education. Education and Training Statistics Working Group 17 June 2019
4- Summary of the ongoing work of the UOE Finance Task Force The ETS WG was consulted about the need for grants for development of Early estimates to provide a subset of UOE finance with better timeliness. No countries expressed their interest in receiving grants. Education and Training Statistics Working Group 17 June 2019
5- UOE Finance and National Accounts The ETS WG took note of the revised version of the reconciliation exercise, in particular that the National Accounts structure of the Use tables is: used a general framework and adapted to Education sector; limited to three transactions for which conceptual mapping is robust enough and granularity of NA data sufficient (Compensation of employees (D.1), Intermediate consumption (P.2) and Gross fixed capital formation (P.51g)). Eurostat informed the ETS WG about the aim of this exercise that it is to quantify and explain the differences between the National Accounts and UOE data. Education and Training Statistics Working Group 17 June 2019
5- UOE Finance and National Accounts Eurostat invited the ETS WG members to volunteer to participate in the reconciliation exercise in 2020. In 2019, the reconciliation exercise visits are planned in DE, LU and SI. France will participate in 2020. Spain will confirm the interest to perform the reconciliation exercise in 2020. Education and Training Statistics Working Group 17 June 2019
Education and Training Statistics Working Group 17 June 2019 6- Satellite Accounts on Education and Training (SAET) Compilation Guide The ETS WG took note of the information on the Guide on measuring human capital (2016) and the SAET compilation guide, prepared by UNECE TF, that will be submitted for endorsement at the CES meeting on 26-28 June 2019. The ETS WG was informed in particular about: The links that the Guide considers with international work in education statistics, in particular with the UOE Manual and data collection (Chapter 6 of the Guide); The overlap and differences in the scope of education and training between SAET and UOE; The relevance of the reconciliation exercise between UOE and National Accounts. Education and Training Statistics Working Group 17 June 2019
Education and Training Statistics Working Group 17 June 2019 6- Satellite Accounts on Education and Training (SAET) Compilation Guide The ETS WG asked about the future steps towards the implementation of the SAET. Eurostat explained that the work on SAET is beyond the scope of the mandate of the Task Force and further information on long-term developments will need to be confirmed. Education and Training Statistics Working Group 17 June 2019
7- Overview of 2018 and 2019 UOE data collection The ETS WG took note of the state of play of the UOE 2018 data collection and the overall assessment of data punctuality and quality, which is individually assessed in compliance monitoring. The ETS WG was informed about the imminent launch of the UOE 2019 data collection and the request to improve punctuality of data transmission. The ETS WG took note of the information on the new SDMX codes embedded in the UOE19 questionnaires as well as on the new observation status codes and the update of REGIO questionnaires with NUTS 2016. Education and Training Statistics Working Group 17 June 2019
8- Early childhood education (ISCED level 0) in UOE data collection The ETS WG took note of the information on: The main and subsidiary criteria for classifying programmes at ISCED 01 and ISCED 02, and how ISCED programmes differ from other early childhood formal care programmes The ISCED 2011 rules for reporting integrated programmes, and the clarifications needed where 2 year olds are attending pre-primary (ISCED 02) programmes; the data reporting is to be further analysed and explained in a country’s ISCED mapping. The regulatory requirements for data submission. Education and Training Statistics Working Group 17 June 2019
8- Early childhood education (ISCED level 0) in UOE data collection The ETS Working Group discussed about the need to analyse further: Comparability issues concerning the reporting of data by age in ISCED 0 and the possible impact on data reported for Pre-primary education Future plans for submission of data on Early childhood educational development (ISCED 01) in BE, PT, MT Further clarifications needed on defining Personnel (difference between teachers and educational assistants) Education and Training Statistics Working Group 17 June 2019
9- Validation in UOE data collection The ETS WG took note of the set of validation rules listed in the Annex to the ETS WG document 2019-ETS-06. The ETS WG was informed about the purpose of documentation, the attribution of the rules to ESS validation levels and the implementation planning. The ETS WG was invited to send comments on the validation rules to Eurostat by 15 September 2019. Education and Training Statistics Working Group 17 June 2019
10- DG EMPL feasibility study on IVET data from administrative sources The ETS WG took note of the state of play of DG EMPL's feasibility study on IVET learning mobility data from administrative sources. The ETS WG was informed about the incoming survey on data availability that will be carried out within the DG EMPL's project to which ETS WG members will be invited to participate. Education and Training Statistics Working Group 17 June 2019
11- Dissemination activities The ETS WG took note of the Eurostat's dissemination activities for education and training statistics such as the online publication, news releases and news items, the dedicated section and scientific use files for AES and CVTS. Education and Training Statistics Working Group 17 June 2019