MMT & Economic Development: The Case for Sustainable Prosperity Fadhel Kaboub Associate Professor of Economics, Denison University President, Global Institute for Sustainable Prosperity @FadhelKaboub @GISP_Tweets The 3rd International MMT Conference, Stony Brook University September 28, 2019
What is Monetary Sovereignty? A monetarily sovereign government: issues its own currency, collects taxes in that same currency, only issues bonds denominated in that same currency operates under a flexible exchange rate regime An important distinction between: Currency Issuer vs. Currency Users Modern Monetary Theory, or MMT
The Spectrum of Monetary Sovereignty
A bit of History – Economic Development Recap Post-independence state-led development Import Substitution Industrialization (1950s-60s) Export-led growth (1970s) The Debt Crisis (1980s) SAPs and Neoliberal reforms (1990s-present)
Neoliberal Economic Model Austerity Debt restructuring Privatized SOEs Labor Market Flexibility FDI & Export-led growth ( negative terms of trade) Financial liberalization ( Speculative bubbles) Tourism ( resource sustainability) Remittances ( brain drain) Race to the bottom More external debt … There Is No Alternative?
Most Developing Countries have Structural trade deficits High external debt Major root causes: Energy deficit Food deficit Low value-added industrialization Trade deficits Currency devaluation Food & Fuel price inflation Social Unrest unless Food/Fuel subsidies are maintained (forces the country to continues to borrow from foreign lenders: bandaid solution)
The only way out Renewable energy policy Sustainable agriculture policy Water/Energy management/conservation policy South-South Trade Policy Value-added-driven industrial policy A Job Guarantee path to reclaiming monetary sovereignty
Focus on Specific Inflation pressure points: What about inflation? Focus on Specific Inflation pressure points: Food deficit Energy deficit Low value-added industrialization Housing Healthcare Banking/finance Powerful price setters Cross boarder trafficking Corruption Capital controls
Some Practical Solutions Sustainable Food Sustainable Housing Cultural Heritage Preservation
Aquaponics Farming
100% Organic. No Pesticides. No Fertilizers. No Fertile Land 100% Organic. No Pesticides. No Fertilizers. No Fertile Land. 90% Water Savings!
Lettuce, Tomatoes, Mint, Parsley, Cilantro, Oregano, Basil, Strawberries … all leafy greens
Rapid Growth
Adobe Homes, Community Centers, Clinics, Classrooms, Stores, Restaurants, Hotels, Cultural Heritage Museums….
Tataouine, Tunisia