HR Connections July 2019
UWO’s Onboarding Program…
PageUp Onboarding Portal HR Offerings PageUp Onboarding Portal New Employee Basics Benefit Orientations New Employee Website
Updates to reflect all campus locations: Task list has been updated New employee website updated Bi-weekly orientations will be live-streamed in Collaborate Ultra for virtual participation
What Departments Can Do… Talk about Starting Strong with new employees Bring to HR office in Dempsey on first day to complete Form I9 Fox – Jenean Hodge FDL – Fran Holzman Encourage attendance at bi-weekly orientations Review tasks in portal with them Develop on-the-job training tools & department- specific orientation opportunities Did you know? The task list in PageUp can be customized by the department! Contact HR for assistance
Summer Flex Schedules Campus is still open during standard hours Office closure is up to department leadership Full-time employees still work 40 hours but have flexibility on daily schedule Supervisor approval for all schedules changes Voluntary participation Pilot for 2019 This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA