Treasures in heaven (Rejoice in the Lord 2012) Looking for Pleasure in Possessions (2) Treasures in heaven (Rejoice in the Lord 2012)
Deeds that last an eternity Develop the nature of Jesus Christ Grow in the knowledge of Him Teach someone the truth about Him Use possessions for His cause
Possessions that last an eternity Holiness (Ephesians 1:4) God’s child (1:5-6) God’s forgiveness (1:7) God’s Word (1:8-10) Heirs of God w/a guarantee (1:11-14)
Treasures in Heaven Eternal (1 Peter 1:3) Protected (4-5) Satisfying (6, 8; Isa 55:1-3)
Treasures of Two Men Rich, Young Ruler (Luke 18:22-23) A sorrowful man: treasures on earth Zacchaeus (Luke 19:5-6) A joyful man: treasures in heaven
What will our story be? We loved the pleasures of earth. or We lived for the treasures in heaven.