Research Presentation Directions: Write in phrases, not complete sentences Ask for help!
Individual Student’s Name & SID Due Date 5/23/19 English 4.16 Research Topic Individual Student’s Name & SID Due Date 5/23/19 English 4.16
Research Source 1 Website Link: Author (last name, first): Title: Pages Used: City: Publisher: Copyright Date: Paraphrases, Summaries, and Quotations:
Research Source 2 Website Link: Author (last name, first): Title: Pages Used: City: Publisher: Copyright Date: Paraphrases, Summaries, and Quotations:
Research Source 3 Website Link: Author (last name, first): Title: Pages Used: City: Publisher: Copyright Date: Paraphrases, Summaries, and Quotations:
Introduction (write in phrases, not sentences) Thesis Statement: Hook Statement: First Main Topic: Second Main Topic: Third Main Topic:
Main Topic 1 (write in phrases, not sentences) First Main Topic: First Specific Detail Supporting Main Topic: Second Specific Detail Supporting Main Topic:
Main Topic 2 (write in phrases, not sentences) Second Main Topic: First Specific Detail Supporting Main Topic: Second Specific Detail Supporting Main Topic:
Main Topic 3 (write in phrases, not sentences) Third Main Topic: First Specific Detail Supporting Main Topic: Second Specific Detail Supporting Main Topic:
Conclusion (write in phrases, not sentences) Restate Thesis paraphrased: Summary of Three Main Points: Call to Action:
Student’s Self-Assessment Rubric (one per group member): Three Sources are cited completely according to MLA style: ___/9 Introduction includes Thesis, Hook, and three main topics: ___/9 Paragraph 1 includes Main Topic and 2 Specific Supporting Details: ___/3 Paragraph 2 includes Main Topic and 2 Specific Supporting Details: ___/3 Paragraph 3 includes Main Topic and 2 Specific Supporting Details: ___/3 Conclusion includes Thesis, Summary of 3 topics, and a Call to Action: ___/9 Grammar, Spelling, Capitalization, Punctuation is Error Free: ___/4