Monday, Sept. 24 Today we are going to update the html code to html5. It has some new features that we have not covered yet.
Wireframe Wireframe is a way to layout your webpage with some of the things that html5 does. There are new things besides body and header. There are headers, navs, main, footer, etc.
This is the layout of a webpage. It sets up what will go where. Sample Wireframe This is the layout of a webpage. It sets up what will go where.
Header Sample site: Nav Main Footer
New HTML CODE! Add this to your code
the <head> tag contains all the things like, meta tags, title tags, and css style calls the <header> creates a space for the title of your page.
Nav Tag - this sets up a place for links Nav Tag - this sets up a place for links. This one is for internal links (links to other pages on your website) Special character that creates a blank space Link What you see
main tag - this is where the main part of your page is located.
div tag - this is where things go that are not part of a header, main or footer.
footer tag - This resides at the bottom of the page footer tag - This resides at the bottom of the page. Things like email tags, links to FAQ pages, etc.
Add common symbols to html output