Cumulative percentage of CSF samples with a CSF erythrocyte count above an arbitrarily chosen level. Cumulative percentage of CSF samples with a CSF erythrocyte.


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Presentation transcript:

Cumulative percentage of CSF samples with a CSF erythrocyte count above an arbitrarily chosen level. Cumulative percentage of CSF samples with a CSF erythrocyte count above an arbitrarily chosen level. The x-axis represents the arbitrarily chosen erythrocyte count above which a lumbar puncture (LP) is considered traumatic. The y-axis represents the percentage of lumbar punctures that had an erythrocyte count above this level Clifford J. Eskey an, and Christopher S. Ogilvy AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 2001;22:571-576 ©2001 by American Society of Neuroradiology