Ayurvedic Reproductive Herbs
Reproductive Herbs for Shukra/Artava Primary Reproductive herbs to balance Shukra Ashwagundha Kapikacchu Primary Reproductive herbs to balance Artava Shatavari Mustaka Ashoka Manjistha Primary Reproductive herbs for Shukra and Artava Vidari Gokshura Guduchi
Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) Rasa: bitter, astringent, sweet, Virya: heating, Vipaka: sweet, Dosha: VK-, can be P+, Gunas: Light & unctuous, Part used - root It is the best ayurvedic male reproductive rejuvenating tonic herb. Used for sterility and infertility, promotes spermatogenesis, blood flow and tone to the reproductive organs and regulates hormonal function. Used in impotence, premature ejaculation and enlarged prostate. In gynecology, strengthens the uterus, balances menses with high vata (deficiency), uterine spasms, dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, and weakness Hypo thyroid - regulate thyroid activity. Anabolic, increases tone and strength of muscles, fortifies all dhatus, excellent for depleted sexual energy Adaptogen for stress, relax body and mind, enhances immunity. Contraindications - pitta and ama, caution with pregnancy (spasmolytic activity on uterus)
Kapikacchu (Mucuna pruriens) Rasa: Sweet, bitter, Virya: Heating, Vipak: Sweet, Dosha: VP-K+(in excess), Gunas: Heavy and Unctuous, Part used - seed Tonic to sukra dhatu, low libido, infertility, impotence, premature ejaculation, and a potent aphrodisiac. One of the ultimate Ayurvedic reproductive tonics for both men & women. Combined with diuretics like punarnava and gokshura, it is very effective in the treatment of enlarged prostate and edema. It also helps in stress when used along with other vata herbs like bala, ashwagandha Best preparation with other rejuvenating things, including milk decoction, ghee & honey Contraindications: High ama and congestion
Vidari kandha (Ipomoea digitata) Rasa: Sweet, Virya: Cooling, Vipak: Sweet, Doshas: VP-K+(in excess), Gunas: heavy, unctuous, Part used - root Milk Decoction - effective in promoting spermatogenesis To treat enlarged prostate it can be combined with kapikacchu or saw palmetto. Promotes ojas and muscle tone and coordination. Useful for sexual debility associated with nervous tension and adrenal stress. Promotes lactation, directly tonifies rasa and stanyavahastrotas. Helpful in postpartum, building strength and energy. Contraindications – none known
Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus) Rasa: Bitter, sweet, Virya: Cooling, Vipak: Sweet, Dosha: VP-K+, G: Unctuous, heavy, Part used - root The foremost uterine tonic and reproductive Ayurvedic herb for women. Regulates menstrual cycle, dysmenorrhea, menorrhagia, clears excess heat that can condense the blood and cause inflammation and pain in menses. Increases reproductive fluids, enhancing conception and uterine strength, prevents miscarriage Helpful in menopause, hot flashes, irritability, irregular memory and dryness. Treats male sterility, low sperm count, and irregularity of sperm movement. Prevents excess pitta from burning & depleting sperm. One of best pitta pratyanika herbs, good indicators use include fatigue, low sexual energy, stress, irritability, inflammation, hyperacidity, urinary tract infections, and burning sensations, bittersweet taste, cooling and purifying to liver, blood, and targets pitta at main seat – sm intestine Best prepared as a milk decoction, taken alone or in combination with other herbs. Contraindications - high kapha and ama, or respiratory or sinus congestion. ,
Gokshura (Tribulus terrestris) Rasa: Sweet, bitter, Virya: Cooling, Vipak: Sweet, Dosha: VPK= (mostly V-), Gunas: Heavy and unctuous, Part used - fruit Tonic herb, Nourishes sukra, increasing virility, fertility, and sperm production, rejuvenates gonads Useful in infertility, impotence, where there is an obstruction due to vata or kapha in the reproductive tissue. Promotes lactation, rejuvenates uterus. Helpful in hormonal balance with hormonal precursors that enhance sexual function. Primary tonic for bladder and kidneys, kidney infections, kidney stones, urinary retention, cloudy urine, soothes urinary tract and promotes urination Specific for prostate problems, urinary retention or obstructed flow of urine. Useful for nervous system, in psychological and nervous imbalances, enhances serotonin production. Contraindications - dryness, caution during pregnancy as has a downward action.
Mustaka (Cyperus rotundus) Rasa: pung, bitter, ast, Virya: cooling, Vipak: pungent, Dosha: PK-V+, Guna: light, dry, Part used - tuber One of the best for menstrual cycle, regulates pitta and helps apana vayu to descend. Has phyto estrogen qualities, helpful to balance high estrogen conditions – swollen breasts, painful short cycle, family history of breast cancer. Has affinity for smooth muscle of the uterus, and specific for PMS with bloating, pain, irritability, and depression. Has effect on rasa dhatu and beneficial for purifying and nourishing breast milk. Contraindications - excess vata, can be too drying
Ashoka (Saraca indica) Rasa: bitter, astringent, Virya: cooling, Vipak: Pungent, Doshas: VK-, Gunas: Light & dry, Part used – bark, also flowers and leaves One of best for menstrual disorders, with excess bleeding, pain, and congestion, uterine spasms, dysmenorrhea. Affinity for uterine muscles and endometrium, uterine tonic to prevent miscarriage, prolapsed, and irregular menstrual cycles. Clears congestion form mamsa and meda, when there are fibroids, cysts, endometriosis from excess ama and kapha in artava. Contraindications - constipation
Manjistha (Rubia cordifolia) Rasa: bitter, sweet, astringent, Virya: cooling, Vipak: Pungent, Doshas: PK- V+, Gunas: heavy and dry, Part used - root Alterative, astringent, hemostatic, emmenagogue Affinity for rakta dhatu – cleans, cools, clears blood of excess pitta, heat, inflammation, toxins, and ama. Used in skin conditions – eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, acne, rosacea, and herpes. Bleeding- stops bleeding by cooling the heat that causes blood to burst out of its proper channel, and clears congested blood that can cause blood to overflow out of appropriate pathway (used in inflammatory bleeding colon issues – Crohns, blood in stool, menorrhagia) Gynecology- used in congested uterus and pain, dysmenorrhea, clots, amenorrhea (moves blood), menorrhagia, and endometriosis. Contraindications – high vata
Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia) Rasa: bitter, astringent, pungent, Virya: heating, Vipak: sweet, Doshas: VPK=, primarily VP-, Guna: light and unctuous, Part used – Stem, leaves and roots Rasayana herb while also detoxifying and cleansing the whole body specifically the liver. It is a rare liver purifying herb that in not Vata provoking. Cleanses liver for menstrual related health. Also used in liver damage, viral hepatitis, liver poisoning from alcohol, chemicals, or drugs. Repairs fibrosis and regenerates liver tissue. Used in aggravated ranjaka pitta in pitta in the blood. Useful in all autoimmune inflammatory conditions, as well as inflammatory skin conditions (eczema, psoriasis) Helps heal bowels affected by constipation, intestinal bleeding, hemorrhoids, or dysentery, balances intestinal flora, helpful in candida and bloating, flatulence, and malabsorption. Guduchi is calming to vata and the nervous system in nervous exhaustion Reproductive – clears heat in Shukra and Artava. Useful in male sexual dysfunction caused by pitta imbalance as its sweet post-digestive effect nourishes shukra dhatu. Contraindications - pregnancy
Cautionary Ayurvedic Herbs during Pregnancy Ajwain, Aloe Vera Powder, Arjuna, Avipattikara, Bhumyamalaki Chitrak, Daruharidra, Dashmula, Ephedra, Gokshura, Guduchi, Guggullu, Haritaki, Hing (asafoetida), Kalmegh, Kutki, Rhubarb, Myrrh, Neem, Sarpagandha, Senna, Triphala, Trikatu, Vacha, Vasaka, Vidanga