WB 30th September 2019 Careers Profile
During this form activity you will be considering the choices you have in the future and thinking about career opportunities that inspire you.
Please write your name on the front of the Careers Profile Please write your name on the front of the Careers Profile. You will shortly receive a wallet to put this in and keep it tidy. It will be staying with you throughout your education here at EPA. Read through the first 2 pages and ask your form tutor some questions about the content.
Year 7, Year 8, Year 9 and Year 10 Please complete the section that says Autumn Term 1 – for your year group. It will be interesting to see if this has changed by this time next year.
Year 11 Please complete the Autumn Term 1 section Year 11 Please complete the Autumn Term 1 section. Last week in assembly you looked at preparing for and taking part in an interview. The powerpoint used for that assembly, has been uploaded to the website in the Careers Education Information Advice and Guidance section for you to use at your leisure. Today you will also be given a pro-forma with guidance as to how you put together a CV, which you may be required to write when applying for a job. We have also included some interview questions for you, so that you can practise your interview skills. We shall return to this in the spring term.