The SDG 12 Hub: A Common Platform for SDG 12
Meeting agenda Short concept presentation Updates on discussions with Microsoft SDG 12 Hub Reveal at the SDG Summit Roles and responsibilities Next steps
nationalisation processes Why a common platform? Connecting the dots for governments Monitoring SCP is new to everyone Requested by Member States De-prioritised in nationalisation processes Least funded of the SDGs
An inter-agency collaboration Reports from the UN Secretary General state that SDG 12 on Ensuring Sustainable Consumption and Production is the least resourced of all the goals and only covered in a fragmented way. The subsequent resolution A/RES/72/279 calls on the UN Development System to inter-alia “promote progress on those Goals lagging behind (…) building on comparative advantages, reducing gaps, overlaps and duplication across entities.” A part of a broader collaboration across the UN custodian agencies of SDG 12 Streamlining of methodologies, terminology, processes and timelines Aims to make SDG 12 and SCP more accessible to governments UN Environment, FAO, UNWTO, UNESCO, UNCTAD Within UN Environment: BRS Convention Secretariat, the International Resource Panel, SDGs and Information Unit, Economic and Fiscal Policy Unit, and Consumption and Production Unit, and within One Planet Network; Secretariat, Food Systems, Public Procurement and Tourism Programme.
The SDG 12 Hub aims to… Increase understanding of SDG 12 and SCP as cross-sectoral Make SDG 12 transparent and accessible Increase reporting rate on SDG 12 indicators Improve inclusion of SDG 12 indicators in nationalisation processes Raise awareness of SDG 12 and SCP Facilitate the implementation of solutions for SCP (policies, projects and initiatives)
A One-Stop-Shop to SDG 12 Facilitates reporting processes Overview of progress on SCP/SDG 12 across all indicators All information in one place (progress, reporting access, databases, metadata, guidance, support) Access to solutions for SCP (data, projects, policies)
Tour of the platform mock-up
Meeting agenda Short concept presentation Updates on discussions with Microsoft SDG 12 Reveal at the SDG Summit Roles and responsibilities Next steps
Technical advisory team – with knowledge of similar platforms and the context Continued discussions in process on the extend of Microsoft’s involvement
Meeting agenda Short concept presentation Updates on discussions with Microsoft SDG 12 Reveal at the SDG Summit Roles and responsibilities Next steps
Way forward Concept development Platform Phase 1 Platform Phase 2 Q2 2019 Q3 2019 – Q1 2020 Q1 2020 – Q1 2021 2020 2021 Reveal SDG Summit September 2019 Launch Q1 2020 Update Q1 2021
SDG Summit in New York, September 24-25 2019 SDG 12 Hub Reveal event “soft launch” SDG 12 Hub stand Interactive stand SDG 12 Hub ‘Ambassadors’ National focal points National statistical offices Private sector
Meeting agenda Short concept presentation Updates on discussions with Microsoft SDG 12 Reveal at the SDG Summit Roles and responsibilities Next steps
SDG 12 Hub Coordination Science Division SDGs and Information Unit Economy Division Economic and Fiscal Policy Unit Consumption and Production Unit SDG 12 Hub Coordination
Working together GOAL: No duplication of efforts Gathering everything in one place through APIs (automated internet database connections) and through existing reporting processes (e.g. SG’s report on the SDGs) CUSTODIAN AGENCIES (through consultations) PLATFORM DEVELOPERS (through 10YFP Secretariat and Science Division) EXTERNAL DEVELOPERS (potentially Microsoft) Set-up of platform and updates API link Decisions on how to best display indicator, access to reporting and potential solutions databases Decision on inclusion of indicator in Phase 1 or 2 Notification of Focal Points for indicators to have profiles (reporting access) on the Hub Lead on platform development and set-up (phase 1 and 2) Coordination with 5 custodian agencies (through indicator teams) Coordination with external developers Technical set-up of platform (phase 1 and 2) Technical advisory on platform SDG 12 Hub ‘Ambassadors’ Selecting relevant national focal points or national statistical offices as ‘ambassadors’ Facilitation of ‘Ambassadors’ involvement at SDG Summit Platform promotion Presence at SDG Summit reveal of the platform Promotion activities during launch of platform General promotion of platform with national counterparts, stakeholders and public Global trends analysis Updates in line with submissions to the SGs report on the progress of the SDGs Updates of global trends on the platform including data visualisation Platform maintenance, management and hosting Hosting of platform through the One Planet network website General maintenance and annual updates to the platform Management of members directory for reporting access Hosting services Annual updates of data, graphs and text Technical updates when relevant
Meeting agenda Short concept presentation Updates on discussions with Microsoft SDG 12 Reveal at the SDG Summit Roles and responsibilities Next steps
Next steps: June – September 2019 Development of advanced interactive mock-up Planning for the SDG Summit Identification of SDG 12 Hub ‘Ambassadors’ Presence of SDG 12 Hub custodian agencies and ‘ambassadors’ SDG 12 Hub Reveal event during the Summit Continued discussions with Microsoft Next steps: towards the launch in Q1 2020 Development of the platform (pending discussions with Microsoft) Population of the platform in collaboration with custodian agencies