BIOLOGY 2404a 2009 Lecture 4 Vegetation sampling
Sampling Flora and Vegetation Sampling flora = plant collecting, making a list that is ideally as complete as possible of all species in an area. May also indicate relative abundance of each species Sampling vegetation = taking some measures of the plant community. Species composition, and their relative abundance Dominance (% cover, biomass, wood, …) Form Sample versus Census
Sampling Strategies
Sampling Strategies II Points Plots Line-intercept Point-quarter
More about sampling See VegSampling.pdf (also posted to WebCT) We won’t be doing all these techniques in this class (come on a field course to learn them in practice) You should know the basics of the methods and statistics available, and what they are good for
Sampling Output Species Rel Freq Rel % cover Rel Biomass I.V. SpeciesA 0.4 0.2 0.27 SpeciesB SpeciesC 0.1 0.13 SpeciesD 0.10 SpeciesE 0.23 Total 1.0
Community Measures: diversity, richness, evenness Diversity is a measure of the number of different species (or genetic variation) in a community, combined with the relative abundance of the different types; it is a blend of richness and evenness H’ = - ∑pi*lnpi Richness (s) is a count of different species Evenness (E) is a measure of the relative abundance of the different species
Calculating Shannon Diversity Location --> X Y Species pi (a) lnpi (b) a*b A 0.2 -1.61 -0.32 0.9 -0.11 -0.09 B 0.03 -3.51 C D 0.02 -3.91 -0.08 E TOTAL 1.0 s=5 -0.46 H’ = - ∑pi*lnpi 1.61 0.46