NEISD Testing Services Interim Assessments 2019-2020 NEISD Testing Services 8961 Tesoro Drive, Suite 410 210-407-0178
Interim Assessment Overview Provides actionable data to help educators track student progress predict student performance on the STAAR summative Plan intervention groups Not tied to accountability!
Interim Assessment Overview Offered through the STAAR Online Testing Program Platform, software that is available in NEISD for online STAAR testing. Overview Test questions are developed with Texas teachers and include some former STAAR items. Multiple choice and open-ended “griddable items” (math and grade 8 science only) are included. All test questions are fully aligned to the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS). Each test is designed to take two hours. Results are reported in the STAAR Assessment Management System’s Online Reporting Suite (ORS), which is designed to provide interim data in an easy-to-use format. Principals and CTC’s will have access to reports. Results will be posted in Aware for teacher access.
Interim Assessment Overview What is the difference between classroom formative, interim, and summative assessments? Overview Interim assessments measure a student’s understanding of a broader span of student expectations to monitor progress, predict summative performance, and identify students for intervention. Examples: benchmarks, STAAR interim assessments Classroom formative assessments measure student performance specific to student expectations to inform a teacher’s instructional choices, immediate adjustments to unit plans, and changes to lessons. Example: Class quizzes, Interim assessments measure a student’s understanding of a broader span of student expectations to monitor progress, predict summative performance, and identify students for intervention. Examples: benchmarks, STAAR interim assessments Summative assessments measure student mastery of a broader span of student expectations at the end of an instructional unit to determine the effectiveness of the program. Example: STAAR summative assessment
Interim Assessment Overview
Interim Assessment Details Math Reading English I English II Algebra I Social Studies Science Free 2 admin windows Login/out over multiple days Online Only Optional Online Reporting Suite STAAR probability 2 sections Blueprints posted Two Opportunities Benefits Student Scores Student responses to each test question SEs for each test question View each test question Probability of achieving Approaches, Meets and Masters on STAAR Opportunity 1: October 7, 2019 - March 31, 2020 Opportunity 2: December 2, 2019 - March 31.2020 Can be taken over multiple days NEISD Student file upload: September 30, 2019 Online Reporting Suite (ORS) Real Time Reporting Customizable reports with user friendly graphics District/Campus/Student Level Reports
Only Math & English I /II Opportunity 1: Monday, October 7, 2019 - Tuesday, March 31, 2020 Subjects Grade Levels Opportunity 2: Monday, December 2, 2019 - Tuesday, March 31, 2020 Opportunity 1: Monday, October 7, 2019 - Tuesday, March 31, 2020 Only Math & English I /II Science Social Studies Biology CHANGE!
Supports Offered Supports Content and Language Supports (available for English and Spanish 3-5* assessments) Text-to-speech (available for English and Spanish 3-5* assessments) Basic Calculator (math and science in gr. 3-7) Refreshable braille* (for reading/language arts and social studies only) *New Interim does not include American Sign Language (ASL) or Spelling Assistance.
Multi-Stage Adaptive Administration For Science and Social Studies For Math and Reading Test Administration For Science and Social Studies Standard Linear Design
Resources and Questions Testing Services has posted all of the following documents on the Testing Services website under Employee Resources/Interim Assessments Interim Assessments TEA Website TEA’s Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Best Practices: How to successfully implement STAAR Interim Assessments 2019-2020 Interim Assessments Users Manual QUESTIONS? If teachers have questions about the online platform, printing tickets and accessing reports contact your Campus Test Coordinator. How should districts interpret results? Interim Assessments Results Guide https://www.texasasses