2019 Chapter Leadership Training
Today’s Topics Purpose Role Dues Membership Officers / Delegates Duties Meetings Responsibilities Summary Questions
Purpose Purpose Promote the objectives of the NMA throughout the area and to help develop new NMA affiliated chapters. Promote joint chapter activities by planning and conducting meetings and programs involving two or more affiliated chapters. Promote the NMA Leadership Initiatives and “The NMA Leadership Model”.
Purpose Serve NMA affiliated chapters by promoting those projects and activities which will help strengthen and improve the chapters. Facilitate exchange of ideas and information among all affiliated NMA chapters in the interest of increasing effectiveness. Assist in training and orientation of chapter leaders in the use and promotion of NMA programs, courses, and materials.
Role of the Council NMA Councils are geographic “collections” of chapters that: Join together to strengthen their individual operations. Are designed to be an extension of individual chapters through which local chapters band together to share experiences. Provide officer training, network among their NMA colleagues. Serve as a planning and organization center for the area. Promote the NMA Leadership Initiatives and “The NMA Leadership Model”.
The NMA Leadership Model
Dues Dues, where applicable, shall be established by the Council as stated its the Bylaws.
Chapter Membership Chapter membership in the Council shall become effective upon approval by vote of the council. Retired chapter members of the NMA shall be considered as delegate candidates in accordance with the Bylaws. Encourage Individual members to become Council members and provide a provision in the Bylaws.
Membership Each NMA affiliated chapter in the geographical area may hold Council membership providing its governing body Accepts the Constitution or Bylaws for the Council and subscribes to its support Will select and support delegates to the Council to serve as official representatives
Membership Delegates provided by the affiliated chapters shall comprise the Council’s governing body. Delegates to the Council shall be selected each year in a manner to be determined by the affiliated chapter. Delegates to be selected prior to the end of the Council’s fiscal year.
Membership National directors within the geographical area of the Council shall be advisory members to the Council.
Fiscal Year The fiscal year of the Council shall be determined by the Council and is part of the Council Bylaws.
Restrictions The Council shall be non-political, non-partisan and shall not engage in collective bargaining of its members or others. All members shall be members of the NMA….the Leadership Development Organization who subscribes to the NMA objectives and Code of Ethics. Challenge Individual members to become active participants… Remove Barriers.
Officers Minimum officers: President Vice President Secretary Treasurer All officers must be official delegates of the Council and members in good standing of the NMA.
Officers Officer candidates shall be elected Council delegates preferably who are or have been chapter officers Only one delegate from an affiliated chapter may hold office during any one fiscal year. After serving a regular term of office, no officer shall succeed himself or herself in the same office. * All the above depends on what is spelled out in the Bylaws
Delegates and Officers Each affiliated chapter shall be allowed three (3) voting delegates on the Council. One of the delegates from each affiliated chapter shall be the president of the chapter, who will serve on the Council for a term of one year, concurrent with term as chapter president. The two other delegates to the council will serve for terms of two years, overlapping. Depends on Council Bylaws
Duties The duties of the Council officers shall be as stated in its Bylaws. Officers shall be elected by the Council and installed annually at the first meeting of each year. Promote the NMA Leadership Competencies Mobilize Individual Commitment For Change Set Direction Engender Organizational Capability Demonstrate Personal Character
Meetings Delegates to the Council shall meet at least once in every quarter Conduct official business Provide opportunity for exchange of ideas / experiences in chapter operations Become familiar with new NMA concepts and services. A majority of authorized Council delegates shall be necessary to constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
Typical Council Meeting A meal/refreshments and social time A short business meeting A report from each chapter on its activities A structured exchange of information among chapters A workshop or presentation A spotlight presentation
Council Responsibilities Conduct Leadership Speech Contest at the Council level Conduct a CLT Conduct a Professional Development Event Select a Gold Knight Recipient
Council Responsibilities Establish goals for the year ASAP Build an organization to accomplish goals Follow through Periodically review Communicate Promote the NMA Leadership Initiatives and the “NMA Leadership Model”. Call on and use the resources of NMA Listen to what your chapters are saying
Council Quarterly Achievement Reports CAR2 Council Awards Council Quarterly Achievement Reports CAR2