Water Resources Current Weather Finish Weather Unique Properties of Water The Hydrologic Cycle Groundwater Resources Our Water Supply For Next Class: Read Chapter 9 (pp. 248-264)
Ocean and Freshwater Distribution Figure 7.3
Land and Water Hemispheres Figure 7.2
What are five unique properties of water?
Unique Properties of Water Heat capacity Capillarity (or surface tension) Expands when freezes Universal solvent Liquidity at ordinary Earth temperatures
Uniqueness of Ice Forms Figure 7.6
Hydrologic Cycle Model Figure 9.1
Surface Water Figure 9.2
Precipitation in North America Figure 9.5
Potential Evapotranspiration Figure 9.6
Types of Soil Moisture Figure 9.8
Soil-Moisture Availability Figure 9.9
Sample Water Budget Figure 9.11
Drought Terminology Drought: “prolonged absence or marked deficiency of precipitation” (Heim 2002 in IPCC AR4). Agricultural drought relates to moisture deficits in the root zone of the soil that impacts crops. Meteorological drought is mainly a prolonged deficit of precipitation. Hydrologic drought is related to below normal streamflow, lake, and groundwater levels. PDSI (Palmer Drought Severity Index) is most commonly used drought index, using precipitation, temperature, and water content data to assess soil moisture.
Groundwater Characteristics Figure 9.17
Ogallala Aquifer Figures FS 9.2.1a, 9.2.3
Source: http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Image:Crops_Kansas_AST_20010624
Water Withdrawal by Sector Figure 9.21