Double letter Try-outs and Evaluations August 26, 2019
Agenda Responsibilities Try-out Process Double-letter team: commitment and involvement Question period
Responsibilities AHMA Parents Players Implementation of a players evaluation process; Inform parents, players and coaches; Offer players the best experience in an environment where they can develop. Parents Stay informed Commitment Keep things in perspective (Parents Inc) Players Have all your equipment Give a 100% effort Be present and on time Have fun L’AHMA se dote de la mise en œuvre d’un bon processus d’évaluation des joueurs dans le but ultime d’offrir aux joueurs la meilleure expérience possible dans un milieu où ils pourront se développer en tant que joueurs et en tant que personnes. Tenant compte de ses habilités, la sélection doit être faite de manière à assurer au jeune hockeyeur un programme de développement adapté à ses besoins
Evaluation Process – Atom and Pee-Wee Individual tactical testing of players and goalkeepers New: Players may get cut after the technical testing depending on the results of the players. Two scrimmages with referees Evaluations Double-letter coaches 40% Évolution Outaouais (players) 60% Double-letter coaches (goaltenders) 40% Évolution Outaouais (goaltenders)60%
Evaluation Process – Bantam and Midget Three (3) refereed games Goalkeeper: Technical Assessments (40%) and Games (60%) Assessments during games Double letter coaches (players) 40% Evolution Outaouais (players) 60% Double letter coaches (goalies) 40% Evolution Outaouais (goalies) 60%
Evaluation Process – cont. Number of players invited after the testing, to the selection camps for AA and BB Atom: 1 AA + 5 extra players and 2 BB teams + 10 extra players Peewee: 1 AA + 5 extra players and 1 BB + 5 extra players Bantam: 1 AA + 5 extra players and 1 BB + 5 extra players Midget : 1 AA + 5 extra players and 1 BB + 5 extra players Elite AAA Competitive AA & BB Recreational A, B, C
Evaluation Process Further practices and scrimmages with formed AA and BB teams. Players who are not selected will be informed and invited to attend the Single letter try-outs.
Testing 2019 – Atom and Pee-Wee 25% 20% 20% 35% Composantes de l’évaluation technique/tactique individuelle Cross over, Shot Quality Timed Backward Skating Timed Forward Skating Puck Control, Agility, Execution
Evaluation Components Individual Technique/Tactical Skills
Evaluation Components Scrimmages Technical Skills Skates, Hands, Pivots, Shots, Passes Vision of the game offensive + Defensive Positioning, bearer support, marking, Hockey IQ Intensity Carrying approach, net attack, harpooning, physical presence etc Building a team is not limited to finding the most skilled players, but also includes finding 15-17 players whom will rally forces to form a team.
Evaluation Form Scrimmages
Goalie Evaluations Goalie Evaluations by Évolution Outaouais Technical Evaluations (September 7, Guertin) Evaluation during first 2 to 3 games (Coaches also evaluate)
Goalie Evaluation Components
Team compositions Atom: 14 players, 1 or 2 goalies Pee-Wee: 14 or 15 players and 2 goalies Bantam: 15 players and 2 goalies Midget: 15-16 players and 2 goalies 8
Protected Players Atom: 3 forwards and 2 defense per team Pee-Wee: 3 forwards and 2 defense Bantam: 3 forwards and 2 defense Midget: 3 forwards and 2 defense
Absences You are out-of-town during the try-outs: If a player is unable to attend one or more sessions of the tryouts, he/she may appear, if time permits, at the remaining sessions. This means they could be evaluated on only 1 scrimmage versus 2. Player is sick or injured Must inform the coordinator immediately A medical certificate could be required
Commitment and Involvement Playing double-letters requires a high level of commitment and involvement from both the parents and the players: More practices (on and off ice) More games: exhibition, regular season, tournaments Resulting in higher costs both in terms of time and money
Division Coordinators Atom: ( Martin Lauzon Anne Chartrand Peewee: ( Shirin Amiri Yannick Carpentier Bantam: ( Kim Perrier Lisa Peldjak Midget: ( Michele Monette Jennifer Murray Juvénile: ( Howard Aldwinckle