Fig. 2 Physical properties and measured responses of the sensors. Physical properties and measured responses of the sensors. (A) Infrared (IR) photograph of several sensors on the forearm of a human subject for measurement of temperature response time between the skin and sensor. (B) Measured and computed temporal responses of devices constructed with different thicknesses of an insulating elastomeric support, with enlarged view (right) of a region highlighted by the red dashed box. (C) Photograph of a device mounted on the upper lip of a human subject during respiration. (D) Temperature fluctuation wirelessly recorded (sampling rate, 6 Hz) with the device shown in (C), with enlarged view (right) of a region highlighted by the red dashed box. Cycles of inhalation (green arrow) and exhalation (red arrow) are evident. (E) Schematic diagram of the mechanics and finite element analysis (FEA) results for the maximum principal strain (enlargement of red dashed box, right) across the spiral-shaped thin silicon pressure sensor with and without the polyethylene terephthalate substrate. (F) Photographs of a sensor mounted on left forearm (left) and pressed with a fingertip (right). The inset shows a magnified view to highlight the conformal contact with the skin. (G) Equivalent circuit diagram of the pressure sensing part of the device. (H) Pressure fluctuation wirelessly recorded (sampling rate, 6 Hz) with a device on the left forearm during application of various forces with the fingertip (green dashed box, poking; black dashed box, touch; red dashed box, holding). The frame on the right corresponds to the red dashed box on the left, with inset photograph (scale bar, 4 cm). Seungyong Han et al., Sci Transl Med 2018;10:eaan4950 Copyright © 2018 The Authors, some rights reserved; exclusive licensee American Association for the Advancement of Science. No claim to original U.S. Government Works