Lesson Summary TAWHID & SHIRK
Tawhid To firmly believe in the oneness of Allah (swt). He is unique, independent and unlike his creation. None can share or claim to have any of Allah’s qualities and attributes.
Conflict in Intentions Only a true god can have complete control and power over everything. If there were two or more gods, each would try to overpower the other to assert their dominance, leading to chaos and disorder. The stability in the world is a sign of one god. Allah (swt) is al-Qadir; the All-Powerful. If there were two or more gods, each would claim to be All- Powerful causing a ‘conflict in intentions’.
Shirk Definition: To associate partners with or think something or someone is equal to Allah (swt). Shirk is the opposite of tawhid. Shirk is divided into two categories: Major & Minor.
Major Shirk To clearly make something or someone an equal or partner to Allah, or to suggest that Allah has a family, or to worship anything else besides him e.g. sun, moon, fire, idols etc. Surah Ikhlaas highlights the tawhid of Allah (swt). Allah forgives everything except shirk!
Minor Shirk Beliefs and actions that subtly remove someone from true belief in the oneness of Allah (swt). Examples include: Riya (showing off), going to fortune tellers, reading horoscopes, believing in good or bad luck and practising black magic to list a few.