INTELLIGENT SHOES FOR THE BLIND NEED : - With more than 12 million visually impaired people in India, It has become eminent to eradicate the additional load that the visually impaired are required to carry(walking cane/sensor gloves) and make them self dependent . FEATURES AND WORKING The ultrasonic sensors detect the obstacles/stairs /sink in the ground and give an output at the vibrators fitted inside the shoe. The piezo-electric transducers inside the sole helps the shoe to charge itself by the virtue of motion. Cell phones(5V, 1A) could also be charged. MSP430 IC is used to control the sensors and is coded on Energia IDE. GPS module and NodeMCU could be used for accurate mapping of the longitude-latitude of the user. LTC3588 module could be used to harvest the energy provided by piezoelectric transducers to charge the battery and supply the circuit simultaneously. HIGHLIGHTS :- Can sense obstacles is the path. Can detect , help climb sink and stairs. Self charging. Sends location of user in emergency.