Fed. #10 Ap Government
According to Madison, what conditions have historically plagued popular governments? 1
Had the U.S. (at the time he was writing) effectively dealt with these conditions? Explain. 2
What are the two methods for removing the causes of factions What are the two methods for removing the causes of factions? What is Madison’s position on each method? 3 & 4
According to Madison, what is the most common cause of faction? 5
Is the ”republican principle” more effective in controlling the effects of a minority faction or a majority faction? Explain. 6
Is a republic or a pure democracy more suitable for controlling the effects of factions? List the differences that Madison cites between these two forms of government. 7
What are the benefits when there is a “delegation of the government to a small number of citizens?” 8
Why is a large republic more likely to control the effects of a faction than a small republic? 9
Factions within the Modern Democratic Party Progressives Liberal Wing Centrists/Moderates Neoliberals Christian-Left Seculars
Factions within the Modern Republican Party Fiscal conservatives Social conservatives/Evangelicals Neoconservatives Moderates Libertarians
Fed. #51 Ap Government
What is essential to the “preservation of liberty What is essential to the “preservation of liberty?” How should this “be so constituted?” 1
Explain the following quote: “A dependence upon the people is, no doubt, the primary control on the government; but experience has taught mankind the necessity of auxiliary precautions.” 2
In a republican government, which branch is the strongest In a republican government, which branch is the strongest? Identify three ways of “remedying this inconveniency.” 3
List two ways in which the federal system of the US “places that system in a very interesting point of view,” i.e. protects against tyranny. 4
Major Points to Remember Faction Coalition Federalism Separation of powers Checks & balances