Northern shovelers may have unique microbiome differences with respect to IAV infection, relative to the other duck species. Northern shovelers may have unique microbiome differences with respect to IAV infection, relative to the other duck species. (A) Differentially abundant OTUs within each species. Bars indicate individual OTUs belonging to the taxa indicated by the bar at top of the figure, where each column going up indicates an OTU significantly higher in IAV+ birds within a species and columns going down indicate OTUs significantly higher in IAV− birds. Color indicates bird species. Gray bars highlight where an identical OTU was found to be significant in more than one species, with the highest taxonomic resolution of these OTUs numbered and labeled across the bottom. (B) NMDS ordination of Bray-Curtis distances on northern shoveler and mallard samples only. Left panel highlights the IAV− ducks and includes the multivariate t-distributed ellipses; right panel highlights the IAV+ ducks. (C) Venn diagrams of the OTUs found in 90% of the IAV+ and IAV− individuals for mallards and two other species. (Upper) Mallard OTUs compared to northern pintail OTUs, showing that there are some OTUs that overlap in the IAV+/IAV+ region and in the IAV−/IAV− region with no OTUs in the IAV+/IAV− regions. These data meet the expectation that there is a similar infection-based pattern to the OTUs in these two species. (Lower) Mallard OTUs compared to northern shoveler OTUs, showing that none of the previous expectations are met and the IAV+/IAV− regions contain several OTUs. Sarah M. Hird et al. mSphere 2018; doi:10.1128/mSphere.00382-18