Hometown Hero Banner Program Good Evening Mayor and Council members, tonight I will be discussing the Hometown Hero Banner Program. This presentation will walk us through the highlights of the programs policy and guidelines. There are a total of 11 slides and they are in order by each section in the policy If adopted and approved tonight, we are hoping to have the first set of banners installed by this upcoming Veteran’s Day in November. Policy and Guidelines
About the Program Opportunity for the community to recognize and honor Vacaville residents, and their immediate family members, who have served, or currently serving, in the United States Armed Forces Banners will be displayed from streetlight poles and will contribute to the City’s quality of life while also promoting civic pride The City of Vacaville and its residents have a long-standing high regard for those who serve, or have served in the U.S. Armed forces, in fact Veterans represent nearly 9% of our population. This program is an opportunity for members of the community to recognize and honor Vacaville residents and their immediate family members with a military recognition banner displayed on city streetlights This program will also contribute to the City’s overall quality of life while promoting civic pride. 2 of 11
Eligibility Active, retired, or honorably discharged members of the five United States Armed Forces service branches (Army, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, Navy, and Air Force). A current City of Vacaville Resident OR Graduated from a High School in the City of Vacaville OR An immediate family member of a current resident (spouse, parent, sibling, child or child-in-law, or grandchild) Proof of eligibility will be required before an application is considered complete Proof of residency or school transcript of the nominee Verification of active duty dates Honorable discharge or retirement papers High-Resolution digital image or 5 x 7 photograph of honoree in official uniform Eligibility is based on two factors: Hometown and Hero. “Hero” refers to our military heroes: active, retired, or honorably discharged member of the U.S. Armed Forces, including deceased veterans. Additionally, “Hometown” refers to nominees who are current residents, or who graduated from a High School in Vacaville, or nominees who are the immediate family member of a current resident. We would require proof of eligibility to be submitted with each application: -Some form of proof of residency (Utility Bill, Drivers license, etc) -Verification of active duty dates and status to ensure honorable discharge or retirement ( example Discharge Document DD-214, copy of military ID, etc) -A digital image or 5 x 7 photo of honoree in official uniform (example, boot camp photo) - 3 of 11
Banner Locations Currently 18 designated streetlight poles located on Peabody Road The City has currently identified a section of Peabody Road between Caldwell Drive and SPCA Drive for the initial pilot program. This section includes a uniform row of 18 city owned streetlights, which enhances the impact of the program. In addition this stretch of road connects many residents to Travis Air Force Base, which is known as “the Gateway to the Pacific.” 4 of 11
Display Period Minimum of 6 months and a maximum of 12 months Year-round image display on the City’s website Banners will be displayed on designated street lights for 6 or 12 months depending on the popularity of the program and the durability of the banners. We intend to change the banners twice per year. Once, before Veteran’s Day in November and again before Memorial Day in May. Furthermore, banner images will also be added to the City’s website for year-round display. 5 of 11
Banner Style and Display Double Sided, 18oz. Tyvek Vinyl-Weatherproof 30” x 96” 4” Pole Pockets Two brackets for each banner with fiberglass rods Attachment # 4 in your packet has a sample of the banners, like the one you see on the left of this slide. These are made with a weatherproof Tyvek Vinyl with pole pockets on the top and bottom. They also generously sized at 2.5’ x 8’ , and double-sided, to enable viewing from the road when traveling by vehicle. Each streetlight will have two brackets with fiberglass rods to attach to the top and bottom of the banner. 6 of 11
Public Sponsors and Donations Banners would be funded through private donations and/or sponsorships (either individuals or organizations) Sponsors will receive a letter from the City acknowledging their donation at the time full payment is received and a certificate commemorating their sponsorship at the time of the banner installation City would maintain a Custodial Fund for the Hometown Hero Banner Program administered by the City Manager’s Office The current cost of each banner is $200.00 (assuming an in-kind donation for installation) Banners would be funded through private donations and/or sponsorships. Sponsors can nominate a specific hometown hero, or can donate money to sponsor an unfunded nomination. The City will send confirmation letters to sponsors acknowledging their donation at the time payment is received. In addition, they will also received a certificate commemorating their sponsorship at the time of the banner installation. Donations will be deposited into Custodial Fund specifically for the Hometown Hero Banner Program and administered by the City Managers Office. (and may not be used for the City’s own operations). The current cost of a banner is $200 and this is assuming we can receive and in-kind donations for the installation 7 of 11
Procedures The Hometown Hero banner application may be obtained from the City of Vacaville’s website or from City Manager’s Office Applications will be accepted year-round and a waiting list shall be established based on the date a complete application is received Applicants will be notified by City staff once an installation date has been determined At the end of the banner display period, City staff will contact the family and/or applicant to offer them the banner; all unclaimed banners within 60 days of removal will become the property of the City. -The Hometown Hero banner application may be obtained from the City of Vacaville’s website or from City Manager’s Office -Applications will be accepted year-round, completed applications will be placed on a waiting list for installation on a first-come, first-served basis -City staff will notify applicants once an installation date has been determined After the display period the banners will be offered to the applicant and/or their family. If after 60 day no one has picked up the banners, the will become property of the City 8 of 11
Waiver and Limitations The City of Vacaville is not responsible for replacing banners that are stolen, damaged, or destroyed due to age, vandalism, or and acts of nature including high winds. Any loss or damage to an installed banner with be handled at the discretion of the City. The final section of the policy is the Waiver and Limitations section Because the costs of this program are borne by the applicant the City may be unable to replace any banners. This section states that City is not responsible for stolen, damaged or destroyed banners at it is at the Cities discretion on how to handle any of these items if something were to happen to the banners 9 of 11
Attachment # 3 in your packet is the current application for the Hometown Hero Banner program. I would like to note a minor change to the wording on page 2, under waiver and limitations, paragraph two. Instead of throughout a 12 month period, it should say up to a 12 month period If adopted and approved tonight, the policy and application would be placed on the City’s website this week and we can begin to accept applications right away allowing staff time to review and work with the vendor. Again, every effort will be made to complete the installment of the banners by this upcoming Veteran’s day in November. With that, I would be happy to take any questions? 10 of 11
Questions? 11 of 11