Comparison of the van gene clusters. Comparison of the van gene clusters. Open arrows represent coding sequences (red arrows, regulatory genes; purple arrows, genes required for resistance; blue arrows, accessory genes; pink and yellow arrows, genes of unknown function) and indicate the direction of transcription. The percentages of amino acid (aa) identity between the deduced proteins of reference strains BM4147 (VanA) (19), V583 (VanB) (77), BM4339 (VanD) (42), BM4174 (VanC) (10), BM4405 (VanE) (1), and BM4518 (VanG) (63) are indicated under the arrows. The vertical bar in vanYG indicates the frameshift mutation leading to a predicted truncated protein. NA, not applicable. Florence Depardieu et al. Clin. Microbiol. Rev. 2007; doi:10.1128/CMR.00015-06