DOE Review of the LCLS Project 7-9 February 2006 Information Management Andrea Chan / SLAC
LCLS Information Management Overview Controls and components RDB Document storage and web collaboration tool CAD drawings Future plans Summary
Overview ~0.5 Effort level so far Philosophy Started August 2005 (6 months) 75% of my effort, 25% of DBA/Developer effort for DB/application and Sharepoint pilot project Help from SLAC Computing Services, Mechanical Design, and other departments Philosophy Leverage SLAC resources Utilize site infrastructure and expertise Avoid duplicate data Link separate databases through common fields
Overview – cont’d Focus for LCLS Information Systems Analyze project needs to focus scarce resources Utilize existing SLAC Directory as the LCLS people database, which provides integration with Existing ESH training, reports,… Financial and other business systems Computing accounts and resources Establish a web-based document storage system Provide for RDB needs of LCLS Controls and Engineering Standardize component alias/names
Need to link with other site databases Overview-Cont’d Need to link with other site databases Take advantage of experience from PEP-II Project in mid-1990’s Developed ability to link to different accelerator and engineering databases using common fields and web applications Maintained collaboration with owners of different databases since that work ( few political roadblocks now)
Controls and components RDB Provide for RDB needs of LCLS Controls A single, comprehensive relational database to store optics, parameters, metrics for LCLS components Immediate need is a database to enable on-line beam modeling, i.e. XAL SCCS DBA’s and developers help with design and implementation of the database schema, the tools for data loading, data export, report generation and API’s
Controls and components RDB - cont’d Beam Line Optics database, work in progress Database for MAD Survey output, etc. for XAL Database to integrate Beam Line Optics, Controls and Engineering configuration data Automate generation of MAD Survey output -> MAD Symbols output for mechanical engineers Provide easy way to compare any 2 versions of MAD output Create database entries for the control system PV-Logger files to allow saving, comparing and restoring of machine configurations.
Standardize component names MAD NAME CONTROL EPICS NAME COMPONENT TYPE NAME COMPONENT ASSEMBLY DRAWING SERIAL NUMBER SOL1BK SOLN:IN20:111 Bucking Coil CATHODE CATH:IN20:111 Gun Cathode SOL1 SOLN:IN20:121 Gun Solenoid SA-380-301-01 CQ01 QUAD:IN20:121 SP Quad SA-380-301-02 XC00 XCOR:IN20:121 LCLS-class-G YC00 XCOR:IN20:122 SQ01 QUAD:IN20:122 Standardize alias names and map key attributes Standard names will enable accurate linkage and search through other databases (e.g., CAD drawings, cable plant, accelerator trouble reporting DB’s)
Controls and components RDB - cont’d Use the PEP-II Components Database schema as a building block Advantages Flexible design that has been used to store diverse components without needing to redesign the database for each set of measurements and component type The design and schema already exist. A copy has been customized for LCLS. (To reduce the number of tables involved for queries, customized views can be created.)
Entity Relationship Diagram of the Components Database
Document storage and web collaboration tool MS Sharepoint was being setup at SLAC SCCS established a system for LCLS that has: Structured shared space for project documents Easy to use web-based interface for remote read/write Version control, check in/check out Tag documents with standardized metadata Search capabilities for easy retrieval of documents Workflow (e.g., approval) Threaded discussion Alerts for new items added Learning to work with Sharepoint ‘out-of-the-box’, and not customize
Pilot Sharepoint Implementation
Announcements Metadata Document library Discussion
CAD Drawings The Mechanical Design Department has implemented a web-based design management system for LCLS for Solid Edge CAD Drawings (Insight, which is based on MS Sharepoint). Advantages in user-friendly interface to: Collaborate on files Manage file associations (BOM) Find files List metadata (e.g., hazardous material) Link to drawings from LCLS engineering database
CAD Drawings - cont’d File links (parts, config, …) File status and other metadata
Future Plans Provide more RDB and tools for LCLS Controls Provide the Engineering RDB, collect data from fabrication Based on pilot results, implement project-wide the MS Sharepoint document storage system Link to other databases and systems
Summary Work in progress on RDB/applications for use by LCLS Controls and Engineering Pilot of MS Sharepoint for document storage and web collaboration tool Plans to link to other DB’s needed by LCLS The scope is wide, but the focus is on quick delivery in small increments based on limited resources (adjusting RDB/applications as needed)