Patient 16: 26.43-gestational-week fetus. Patient 16: 26.43-gestational-week fetus. A, Axial image demonstrates absence of the central sulci, which should be present at this gestational age. B, Coronal image demonstrates ACC as well as prominence of the temporal horns (the atria were mildly dilated as well) and absence of the collateral sulci, which should normally be present at this gestational age. C, Axial image from follow-up fetal MR imaging performed at 32.43 gestational weeks demonstrates a normal appearance of the sulci for gestational age, including formation of the central sulci bilaterally (white arrows), precentral sulci bilaterally (black arrows), and postcentral sulci bilaterally (arrowheads). D, Coronal image at 32.43 gestational weeks demonstrates interval development of the collateral sulci bilaterally (black arrows), superior temporal sulci bilaterally (arrowheads), and inferior temporal sulcus on the left (white arrow). P.H. Tang et al. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 2009;30:257-263 ©2009 by American Society of Neuroradiology