From: Choir President, Paulina Sierra Dear Choir, I just wanted to thank you for putting so much time and effort into making this show the best it could possibly be. I’m so proud of you guys, and I couldn’t of have asked for a better choir. From: Choir President, Paulina Sierra
Choir President, Paulina Now let’s make this the BEST CHRISTMAS SHOW EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All my love, Choir President, Paulina
To us a child is born, a son is given To us a child is born, a son is given, is given
Joy to the world, the Lord is come. Let earth receive her king Joy to the world, the Lord is come. Let earth receive her king. Let ev’ry heart prepare him room And heav’n and nature sing And heav’n and heav’n and nature sing
To us a child is born, a son is given To us a child is born, a son is given, is given
Hark the herald angels sing, glory to the newborn king Peace on earth and mercy mild God and sinners reconcile Joyful all ye nations rise, join the triumph of the skies With angelic host proclaim, Christ is born in Bethlehem Hark the herald angels sing. Glory to the newborn king
O come, all ye faithful, joyful and triumphant O come, all ye faithful, joyful and triumphant. O come ye, O come ye to Bethlehem. Come and behold him, born the King of angels O come let us adore him, O come let us adore him, O come let us adore him, Christ the Lord
To us a child is born, a son is given To us a child is born, a son is given, is given
It’s traffic, it’s people, it’s lights and noise It’s busy moms and dads and cranky girls and boys. It’s hustlin’ and bustlin’, it’s high priced toys. It’s Christmas in the city
It’s ringin’ and singin’ and street corner elves It’s ev’ry shopper’s dream, every one for himself. It’s sights you can’t possibly find anywhere else. It’s Christmas in the city
It’s crowded we know, it’s noisy we know. But that’s how we celebrate It’s crowded we know, it’s noisy we know. But that’s how we celebrate. It’s frantic we know, it’s panic we know But hey we like it that way!
It’s traffic, it’s people, it’s lights and noise It’s busy moms and dads and cranky girls and boys. It’s hustlin’ and bustlin’, it’s high priced toys. It’s Christmas in the city
It’s pushin’, It’s shovin’. It’s Christmas sales It’s pushin’, It’s shovin’. It’s Christmas sales. It’s pullin’, It’s tuggin, fightin’ tooth and nail. It’s always fast and furious, it never fails It’s Christmas in the city
It’s crowded we know, it’s noisy we know. But that’s how we celebrate It’s crowded we know, it’s noisy we know. But that’s how we celebrate. It’s frantic we know, it’s panic we know But hey we like it that way!
It’s traffic, it’s people, it’s lights and noise It’s busy moms and dads and cranky girls and boys. It’s hustlin’ and bustlin’, it’s high priced toys. It’s Christmas in the city
It’s Christmas in the city
There was a gal (There was a gal) From Nazareth (From Nazareth) ‘twas a little country town so long ago (Way back then?) There was a guy (There was a guy) Her honey lamb (Her honey lamb) And he took his bride to be back home
It was a town (It was a town) Called Bethlehem (Called Bethlehem) Where his kinsfolk had once lived all right (Yahoo!) And in that town (And in that town) Her Child was born (Her Child was born) Mary’s Child was born right there one holy night
It all happened in the country in a little country town, Country folk and farmers gathered all around They gave a country howdy to a little country Boy Mama’s little angel, heaven’s pride and joy
There was a barn (There was a barn) Behind an inn (Behind an inn) Where God sent down a bushel of love (Yeah, we know!) And in that barn (And in that barn) There was a boy (There was a boy) Who was born to be a king sure ‘nuff
It all happened in the country in a little country town, Country folk and farmers gathered all around They gave a country howdy to a little country Boy Mama’s little angel, heaven’s pride and joy
It all happened in the country in a little country town, Country folk and farmers gathered all around They gave a country howdy to a little country Boy Mama’s little angel, heaven’s pride and joy
Jingle bell, jingle bell, jingle all the way Oh what fun it is to ride in a one horse open sleigh
Deck the halls with boughs of holy Fa la la la all the way ‘Tis the season to be jolly Fa la la la la
Solo Rudolph, the one with the big red nose And Frosty, a person of snow Bring children, this time of year Lots of fun and Christmas cheer. And presents ‘neath the evergreen, Candy and toys, just for me These things are the things we like We make our list and check it twice
Jingle bell, jingle bell, jingle all the way Oh what fun it is to ride in a one horse open sleigh
Deck the halls with boughs of holy Fa la la la all the way ‘Tis the season to be jolly Fa la la la la Jingle bell, jingle bell Jingle all the way
Come and listen to my story of some shepherd boys sittin’ on a hill doing shepherd chores When up in the sky there appeared a bright light And when they looked up they nearly died with fright
Well, the next thing they know there was angels everywhere, the angels said, “Boys, get away from there, Gotta leave your sheep, there is a savior to see” So they loaded up for the town of Bethalee…
Well, it was time to say goodbye to Jesus and His kin Well, it was time to say goodbye to Jesus and His kin. Mary thanked the shepard boy for kindly dropping in. They went and told what they had seen at that locality. It was a heapin’ helpin’ of God’s hospitality
Solo They thought He was a King ‘cause heaven was His home They thought he had a kingdom, that He’d be sittin’ on a throne. But there he was in a stable, lying in the straw So Jesus was the strangest king anybody ever saw
What’s a Savior like you doing in a place like this What’s a Savior like you doing in a place like this? A manger for a crib you know it just don’t seem to fit for a king to come in such low lowliness What’s a savior like you doing in a place like this
They came from far and wide to bow before the king They came from far and wide to bow before the king. They found a perfect Savior, the messiah of their dreams But there he was in a stable, lying in the straw So Jesus was the strangest king anybody ever saw
What’s a Savior like you doing in a place like this What’s a Savior like you doing in a place like this? A manger for a crib you know it just don’t seem to fit for a king to come in such low lowliness What’s a savior like you doing in a place like this
Away in the manger no crib for a bed The little lord Jesus laid down his sweet head The stars in the bright sky looked down where he lay the little lord Jesus asleep on the hay
What’s a Savior like you doing in a place like this What’s a Savior like you doing in a place like this? A manger for a crib you know it just don’t seem to fit for a king to come in such low lowliness What’s a savior like you doing in a place like this
Solo Tell me about the night in a little town Tell me about the inn where no room was found Tell me about the mother and her Holy Child Tell me, tell me one more time
Solo Tell me about the song angels sang in the night Tell me about the star that was hung in the sky Tell me about the mother and her Holy Child Tell me, tell me one more time
Tell me, tell me the story I can’t hear it enough, how God sent down to earth His heavenly love Tell it again. Tell me the story of Jesus.
Tell me about the way Jesus lives in your heart Tell me how he loves you just the way you are Tell me about your Father, how you’re his child Tell me, tell me, one more time.
Tell me, tell me the story I can’t hear it enough, how God sent down to earth His heavenly love Tell it again. Tell me the story of Jesus.
There was a gal (There was a gal) From Nazareth (From Nazareth) ‘twas a little country town so long ago (Way back then?) There was a guy (There was a guy) Her honey lamb (Her honey lamb) And he took his bride to be back home
It was a town (It was a town) Called Bethlehem (Called Bethlehem) Where his kinsfolk had once lived all right (Yahoo!) And in that town (And in that town) Her Child was born (Her Child was born) Mary’s Child was born right there one holy night
It all happened in the country in a little country town, Country folk and farmers gathered all around They gave a country howdy to a little country Boy Mama’s little angel, heaven’s pride and joy
Well, now it’s time to say goodbye to you and all your kin Well, now it’s time to say goodbye to you and all your kin. And we wanna thank you folks for for kindly dropping in. Now go and tell what you have seen at this locality and share a heapin’ helpin’ of God’s hospitality!!!!!!!!!!!!