Methods Week 6 Silent Way 1
Housekeeping: Name Cards English Nickname: _________ Email address: ______________ Phone #: __________________ Your Picture Something about your self:_________ ______________________________ 2
Homework Today’s Class- Chapter 5 – Silent Way Read Ch 6 - Desuggestopedia First, in TP3 read the sections: Experience and Thinking About the Experience (pp. 71-68) Then use the TESOL Method Workbook (TMWB, pp. 42-44) As you re-read the chapter look at and answer the questions in the workbook
TESOL Method Workbook Open the book to page 37 Discuss questions 1-3: What is the goal of the Silent Way? What influences did Noam Chomsky have on arguments about language acquisition? How did those arguments influence S-way? One basic principle of S-way is: “teaching is subordinate to learning.” What does this mean? How does it influence the role of the T and Ss?
Goal of Silent Way Learners discovery the “essence” of the TL Teaching is subordinate to learning so T remains as silent as possible, so Ss can develop their own “inner criteria”
Historical Background S-Way Silent Way was developed in response ot criticisms of ALM In ALM, Ss memorize chunks and set dialogues which they never use in the outside world Memorize responses were hard to transfer to real world communicative situations Chomsky challenged the learning theory of ALM – language learning is NOT habit formation
Historical Background ALM Chomsky’s arguments regarding language acquisition: People create & understand utterances they have never heard Universal Grammar: all humans have innate knowledge of underlying abstract rules & elements Language learning is about rule formation. Acquisition requires learners to apply thinking process, i.e. cognition to the learning process
Historical Background ALM What is the Cognitive Code Approach? CCA stemmed from Chomsky’s ideas, with an emphasis on human cognition (thinking/noticing) Learners are not just organisms responding to stimuli, but are humans actively responsible for own learning (anti-conditioning) Language learning is a process of formulating hypotheses to discover rules of the TL
Principles associated with the Cognitive Code Approach Errors are inevitable, a sign that learner is actively formulating & testing new hypotheses CCA caused a flood of new thinking about language, learners, learning and teaching, and led to development of several new methods, including Silent Way, Deuggestopedia, Community Language Learning, and TPR
Creation of Silent Way Not developed directly from CCA, but shares principles with it Teaching should be subordinated to learning – to teach is to serve the learning process rather than to dominate it Looks at language learning from the learner’s perspective by studying the way children and babies learn
Silent Way Video (Tony) Look at p. 37 in the workbook question 4 Watch the video of Tony and use the teaching experience described on pages 52-61 to help you answer the questions How does T present new material? How does T have Ss practice? What aspects do T control and how? How are Ss errors handled? How does the T move from known to unknown?
Reviewing the techniques Discuss the resources and associated techniques that are used in the Silent Way with your classmates on p. 38 in the workbook
Elicitation & Assessing Student Prior Knowledge Practice eliciting the words on the cards using the following techniques Gestures Realia Rods Pictures Associations Synonyms/Antonyms Do not say the word.
Concept/Comprehension Check Questions (CCQs) Positive/Negative Check Qs Discrimination Check Qs Demonstration Check Qs
Using Rods Look at the handout (some will have activity A other Activity B) Discuss the directions and think about how you would use rods to teach the language topic With your group members plan a teaching sequence for the activity Switch groups and practice teaching using rods